Safety instructions
Prior to any work at the gate or drive, disconnect control unit
from the power supply and secure it against inadvertent
reconnection or actuation.
1. Warning lamp
2. Key switch
Position the key switch box in such a way that the operator can
see the gate, while he/she is not inside the operating area of the
• Never lead the key switch cable along the power line, as this could lead
to interference in the control system.
• Use a separate conduit for the key switch line.
• Install key switch box at a suitable location where it can be
easily accessed.
3. Light barrier
4. Connecting cables
• Secure distribution box with screws at the provided eyelets.
Only connect cables that have the same colour, i.e.:
- blue to blue
- brown to brown
Secure screws tightly to prevent moisture from penetrating the distribution
box. After installation, connect distribution box to power supply.
Wiring diagram: