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Patroonsweg 23-27
3892 DA Zeewolde - Holland
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- Manual
Platform Scales
certified for trade
holland b.v.
Manual SA 250
pag. 0
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
General.......………………………………………………………… 1
Application, Weight and Measures Certification………………… 1
Safety…..……………………………………………………………. 1
Maintenance.……………………………………………………….. 1
Start up…….. ……………………………………………………… 2
Technical specifications….………………………………………… 2
Display: keys and display symbols...…..……..…………………. 3
Switching on………………………………………………………… 4
Set zero……………………………………………………………… 4
Tare…...……………………………………………………………… 4
Check weighing……...……………………………………………… 5
Counting parts..……………………………………………………… 5
Hi-Lo check weighing………………………………………………. 5
Hold function….…..………………………………………………… 6
Printing / sending data...…………………………………………… 7
Automatic zero (zero track)………………………………………… 8
Automatic switch off (auto off).......………………………………. 8
Back light display……………...……………………………………. 9
Initial zero setting……………………………………………………. 9
Display speed……………………………………………………….. 9
Printer / RS 232 data output…..…………………………………… 10
Disable double printing…………………………………………….. 10
Extra line feeds …………………………………………………….. 10
Baud rate……………………………………………………………. 11
Hi-Lo setting : on/off , “beeps”……………………………………. 11
Divisions…………..………………………………………………… 12
Lock up weight value………………………………………………. 13
Choice calibration procedure……………………………………… 13
One Point calibration...……………………………………………. 14
Multi Points calibration…………………………………………….. 15, 16
RS output, Data communication…………………………………. 17
Loadcell connection.………………………………………………. 17
Malfunctions and error codes……………………………………… 18
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel + 31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax + 31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
pag. 1
Manual SA 250
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Thank you for purchasing this SATEX precision balance !
This scale is equipped with reliable technology and has user friendly operational software.
You will use it many times and it will prove itself to be an easy, speedy and accurate tool.
If any questions raise that are not described in this manual, please address yourselves to your SATEX supplier,
have a look at our website : www.satex.nl
or send your questions per email to : info@satex.nl
Application, Weight and Measures certified
The SA 250 platform scale balance is designed for accurate and legal weighing, for counting of articles and
for check weighing and filling with settable weight setpoints with LED indicators in the front panel.
The scale is designed for use in dry, inside conditions. The weigh platform is equipped with an IP 65 water-
and dust tight HBM off centre loadcell..
Take care of a stable position of the scale. Place it in accurate level position with the help of the 4 leveling feet
and the level indicator down below the pole. Important : all 4 of the feet should carry the scale equally.
The CE (OIML R76 1992 class III) Certificate of this scale is valid in all European countries.
It is permitted to use the scale, if stamped individually, for weighing for trade purposes. However there is no
difference between the accuracy of a stamped or not stamped scale. Even if the scale has been purchased
without the legal stamping, it may be stamped later on, if the scale still is in good condition.
Please read this manual thoroughly before start using the scale.
The supplier does not accept any responsibility if the guidelines of this manual are not observed.
Before any work is done on the scale, power connections from the mains adaptor and the internal battery should
be interrupted. Warranty is void if the scale is opened anyhow.
Breaking of the seal of a stamped scale is a criminal act and causes the complete disapproval of the scale.
The instrument fulfils the requirements laid down in the EG regulations 89/336/EWG and 73/23/EWG for
electromagnetic compatibility and the Council Directive 90/384/EEC for not automatic weighing machines. Exceeding
of the maximum values, laid down in these regulations, must be avoided.
Electrostatic discharges may cause fatal damage to the scale and should be avoided
at all times. I.e. a proper earth connection of the scale and the place of erection is required in such cases.
The mains adaptor has no special protection against humidity and water and should not come into contact with it.
In case this has happened, or the adaptor shows any external damage, the adaptor should not be used any longer.
The built in lead battery should, if it has to be replaced, be disposed off as small chemical waste, not to be added to
normal waste.
Except from regular cleaning with a slightly humid cloth and a not aggressive detergent, further maintenance
is not required. The stainless steel platform plate may be removed to clean the inside of the weigh platform.
However it makes sense to check the scale’s weighing accuracy with regular intervals, using accurate calibration
Stamped scales are sealed, but a not stamped scale may be adjusted by the user itself using accurate Class M1
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Manual SA 250
pag. 2
Technical specifications
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Start up
Carefully unpack the scale.
Check the presence of:
- weigh platform with digital indicator
- stainless steel pole with locking bolts and bolt spanner
- mains adaptor in carton box
- English user manual
Fix indicator upon the pole and the pole into the foot (lockup bolts)
Put the scale in level position with the level indicator and the
4 leveling feet
Connect the platform cable to the indicator, connect mains adapter
and press the “ON” switch (with an empty weigh platform!)
The scale automatically sets zero and is ready for use now
The built in battery allows the scale to work for maximum 75 hours
without connection to mains supply.
Due to differences in temperature it may last until 10 minutes after switching on before the reading of the weight is
completely accurate.
Place the articles to be weighed carefully on the weigh platform. Prevent for bumping against and overloading of
the weighing platform. The loadcell down under it may be damaged seriously.
Check, if necessary, the accuracy with an accurate calibration weight. Using the calibration procedure (page 13) the
scale may be re-adjusted. Stamped scales are sealed to prevent for illegal adjustments
At first start up the built in battery may be not completely loaded. Re-load the battery by leaving the scale in OFF
position for at least 16 hours with a connected mains adaptor.
Weighing capacities : Capacity and division are user settable via the software.
Legal trade version has 3000 divisions, the High Resolution (HR) version
has up to 15000 scale divisions.
Accuracy : Fulfils the European Weight and Measures regulations (EN 45501) for new
weighing scales:
at a load of: 0 - 500 divisions : deviation <
½ scale division
500 - 2000 divisions : deviation <
1 scale division
2000 - 3000 divisions : deviation <
1½ scale division
The HR version has a deviation of max. 2 divisions.
Environmental : in operation: 0° … + 40°C, in stock: -10° … + 55°C, max. 85% RH.
Construction : Stainless steel platform, ABS housing of indicator, coated aluminum (34 SA)
or steel (46/66 SA) weigh frames, stainless steel pole with cast aluminum foot
Excitation : Mains adaptor 230 VAC 50 Hz 60 mA, output 9 VDC 500 mA,
built in rechargeable battery and charger.
Operation on battery : 75 / 28 hours, without / with display back light switched on.
Battery charging time : At least 20 hours for a complete charge.
Automatic switch off : Settable: auto off after 5, 10, 20, 30 minutes standstill, or no auto off active.
Display back light : Settable: on, off, or automatic on during weighing (display > 0,0 kg).
RS 232 data communication : 2400 / 9600 Bd (settable), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity,
CR and LF, fixed string 13 bytes, decimal dot and a kg sign included,
9-pole male D-connector, 4 transmission modes.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
RS connecto
Mains adaptor and
latform cable connecto
Level indicator
Pole foot
Weigh platform
Manual SA 250
pag. 3
Display: keys and display symbols
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Front panel
Switch on scale Led orange/yellow : battery is charging
Led yellow/green : charging completed
Switch off scale Weight is above the settled up-limit
Weight is in between the up- and down-limit
Switch on parts counting function Weight is below the settled down-limit
Indication of :
- maximum scale capacity
Set zero of the gross weight value, - legal minimum weighing range
range + en - 2 % of the scale capacity - value scale divisions (e)
Tare = set zero over the complete
Display symbols:
scale capacity
Reading is exact zero, within 0,2 scale division
Hi-Lo function, input weight limits Reading has achieved a complete standstill
(if the function is selected only)
NET If the sign up here is on, the reading is the
Toggle from weighing Æ weighing with net weight value: a tare value has been subtracted
lock up Æ Hi-Lo Æ parts counting and back
Cursor operation “left” move Scale is in parts counting mode
Printing / data transmission The Hi-Lo function is in operation
Cursor operation “up” move
F1 of F2 The lock up function is in operation
Operating a key causes a short “beep” sound as a confirmation.
If a selected function cannot be executed a longer “beep” sounds as a warning.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
pag. 4
Manual SA 250
Start up
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
At start up with the key the display shows briefly: “Lod . . .” (Loading)
During start up the display shows 3 x all the segments of the figures and
the decimal dots, running from left to right and the kg sign.
Next turn the display shows the program number : PSP-n1
After that the scale will automatically set zero, as soon as the reading has
come to an exact standstill. Only after exact standstill the symbol is
shown, followed by the symbol and the display reading will be zero.
After maximum 10 minutes warming up time the measuring system is stabilized
and the scale is ready to be used.
If the display, with an empty weigh platform, does not show a zero reading,
press key .
The zero setting range is limited up to + and - 2% of the scale capacity.
Outside this range, zero setting will not be executed.
If more than 2% zero setting is required, switch the scale off and on again. The
zero setting range is than + and - 10%.
Small deviations from zero (< ½ scale division), are automatically
compensated, so the empty scale will always stay at zero reading. This
procedure is called zero tracking.
The addition of very small weights (< ½ scale division) starting from zero
reading, may cause faulty weight presentation, caused by the zero tracking.
In that case the zero tracking may be switched off via the User Menu (page 8).
Place empty container on the platform and tare to zero with key
After standstill the weight reading sets zero.
The symbol at :
NET shows that a taring has been operated: display
reading now is the net weight.
Taring may be repeated up to the maximum scale capacity.
The tare may be deleted by pressing key with an empty platform.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Set zero
Tare (taring is zero setting, possible over the complete scale capacity)
Manual SA 250
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PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Add the article with the correct weight on the platform and press key .
The reading sets zero. The symbol at :
NET shows up.
Replace the article for the item to be checked and read the deviation in + or -.
This tare may be deleted by pressing key with an empty platform.
1. Count by hand a number of articles: 10, 20, 50,100 of 200 pieces.
The less weight of an article, the more pieces have to be used in order to
achieve an accurate counting.
2. Take care of an accurate zero reading: and standstill: .
Add the pre counted articles in one operation upon the platform.
3. Press keys . The available quantities show up on the display
as running numbers. Press key again at the moment the correct
quantity appears on the display.
4. Now the scale counts the number of articles, the display shows the number
of articles.
The arrow at indicates that the parts counting mode is in operation.
5. With key may be switched (i.e.) from the counting mode to the
weighing mode, and back. The weight of the article is not deleted by this.
If an other article has to be counted, go back to the weighing mode with key
and start at point 1. again.
Note : in this program negative counting (after taring) is not possible
The Hi-Lo function offers the feature to do a very quick check on the weight of
series of articles, or to fill constant quantities, within the settable weight ranges.
Two weight values may be entered. These values will be used as upper and
lower limits, indicating that a measured weight value is:
- HI = weight too high
- OK = correct weight
- LO = weight too low
The three LED’s left next to the display indicate the weighing result in red,
green or yellow. Long or short “beep” sounds may be connected to the HI, OK
and LO functions via the User Mode (page 11).
Setting of the weight values is done with key , see next page
On the condition that weight values have been entered, pressing key
starts and stops the HI-LO function, as well as the counting function.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Check weighing (in weighing mode only)
Hi-Lo check weighing (in weighing mode only, if selected in the USER mode)
Counting parts
Manual SA 250
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PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Hi-Lo weighing continued
Setting the weight limits
1. Press key . The symbol and the red LED at HI show up.
The present value of the upper limit is shown. The last figure is flashing
and may be changed now with the cursor key .
With key the next figure may be turned on and so on.
2. Press key again. The yellow LED at Lo will light up.
The present value of the upper limit is shown.
Continue procedure as with the entering of the upper limit value.
3. By pressing key again, display reading will return to the weighing
A check of the present weight values only may be done by simply pressing
key three times.
This Lock-up function is permanently switched off at legal stamped scales.
The weight value of a weighing may be locked up temporarily.
This may be done in two different way’s: (setting in CAL menu):
F1 - The weight value will be locked up as soon as the reading comes to a
exact standstill, until the scale display returns to zero and comes to
a standstill at zero.
F2 - The weight value will be locked up as soon as a standstill within 1, 2 or 3
scale divisions is determined. However if the real weight value changes
for at least 1,2 or 3 scale divisions, the lock up will be set free .
On the condition that the Hold function has been selected in the Calibration
Menu, the function may be switched on and off by pressing key .
The display shows in the left corner above, which of the hold functions is in
operation with the symbols: F1 or F2.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Hold mode (in weighing mode only, and the function has to be selected in CAL mode)
F 1
F 2
Manual SA 250
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PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Four functions of the procedure of data transmission may be selected
in the User Menu:
0. Switched off
1. 1 x printing (or transmission to a PC) after pressing key
Transmission is executed if:
- the reading has standstill at pressing the key ( symbol is on)
- the reading has had a standstill at 0, after the last transmission
- the reading is > 0
After pressing key a short “beep” sounds to confirm the transmission.
A longer “beep” indicates that no transmission will be executed, since there is
no standstill of the weight value, or the reading has not been stable at zero
before (not active in the Hi-Lo mode).
2. automatic 1 x printing (or transmission) after each weighing
Transmission is executed if:
- the reading has come to a standstill ( symbol is on)
- the reading has had a standstill at 0, after the last transmission
- the reading is > 0
- the reading is in the weighing mode
3. continuous transmission
Print of weight:
In the weighing mode only. Transmission speed is about 10 Hz.
Attention: gross negative values are transmitted too.
At loads above the maximum scale capacity the transmission stops.
In this mode the selected extra empty printing lines, before and after the actual
data, are not transmitted.
Printing examples
Print of counting / weighing (HR version): G = gross
N = net
T = tare
QTY … PCS = quantity … pieces
PCW = piece weight in grams
The empty spaces above and below the printed lines may be selected
(max. 9 empty lines) in the User Mode.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Printing / sending data
30.240 kg
28.750 kg
7.890 kg
G 20.196 kg
N 20.196 kg
T 0.000 kg
50.0699 g
G 5.041 kg
N 4.344 kg
T 0.697 kg
5.07199 g
Manual SA 250
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PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
The User Mode is selected by pressing key continuously and then
starting the scale with key .
As soon as the display shows: CAL , release the key.
Press key to step to the first and the next menu lines.
After operating key in one of the menu lines, the present values of that
line will be entered, followed by automatic stepping to the next line.
After this, at each line position in the menu, the User Mode may be shut down
by pressing key , memorizing all the data that has been entered via key
With key the available settings of each line may be selected.
The User mode is always accessible for the user and may be edited.
The automatic zero setting may be switched off, or selected to be in operation
around + or - ½ scale division from the gross zero weight value.
With key the available choices are shown.
½ division With key the selected function may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
The Auto off function switches off the scale automatically after . . minutes
standstill (not in programming modes). This saves the battery’s capacity.
0 = auto off switched
1 = 5 minutes
2 = 10 minutes
3 = 20 minutes
4 = 30 minutes
With key the available time delays are shown.
With key the selected value may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
USER mode, how to operate
Automatic Zero (Auto 0, keeps the reading with an empty platform on zero)
Automatic switch off
The hatched frames
show the default
pag. 9
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
The back lightning of the display may be selected as:
0 = always off
1 = always on
2 = automatically switching on if weight > 0,0 kg
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected function may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
After switching on the scale will automatically:
0 = set zero based upon the last time the scale was set to zero with
1 = set zero based upon the actual situation, after standstill
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected function may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
The speed of refreshment of the display reading is settable. Under unstable
conditions a lower refreshment speed may give better readability of the weight
0 = standard, 10 Hz
1 = low speed, 5 Hz.
2 = lowest speed 2 Hz.
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected function may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Manual SA 250
Back light display
Initial zero setting
Display speed
Manual SA 250
pag. 10
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Four different functions of the RS 232 data output are available:
0 = switched off
1 = 1 x transmission after key operation at standstill
2 = automatic 1 x transmission each time the scales comes to a standstill
after return to zero and standstill at zero and the display reading is
not at zero
3 = continuous transmission with ca. 10 Hz
Choices 2 and 3 are not available for the counting and lock up modes.
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected function may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
Twice printing of the same weighing could be undesirable and may be
switched off disabled by setting the condition that a second printing is allowed only if the
reading has been returned one time to 0 kg.
+/- 1 d This “0 value” may be setted at + and - 1, 2 or 5 scale divisions (d)
around the actual zero.
At setting at 0, double printing / data transmission is not disabled.
+/- 2 d
With key the available choices are shown.
+/- 5 d With key the selected function may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
In order to place the printed lines on a printed label on the required hight, max.
9 empty lines may be inserted in front of
the actual data lines.
The shown number corresponds with the number of empty lines (line feeds).
With key the available numbers are shown.
With key the selected number may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
In order to create more space after the printed lines, 9 empty lines may be
inserted after
the actual data lines.
The shown number corresponds with the number of empty lines (line feeds).
With key the available numbers are shown.
With key the selected number may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Printer / RS 232 data output
Extra empty lines (Line Feeds - For)
Extra empty lines (Line Feeds - After)
Disable double printing (added medio 2007)
Manual SA 250
pag. 11
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Two Baud rates are selectable: 9600 Bd and 2400 Bd
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected speed may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
De Hi-Lo function may be switched on or off :
0 = off 1 = on
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
Short or longer “beeps” may sound if the weight is “above upper limit”.
At display reading 0,0 kg the beeps will be switched off.
0 = no beeps
1 = short beeps (be.be.be.be…)
2 = long beeps (beee..beee..beee…)
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
Short or longer “beeps” may sound if the weight is “below low limit”.
At display reading 0,0 kg the beeps will be switched off.
0 = no beeps
1 = short beeps (be.be.be.be…)
2 = long beeps (beee..beee..beee…)
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
Short or longer “beeps” may sound if the weight is “correct” .
At display reading 0,0 kg the beeps will be switched off.
0 = no beeps
1 = short beeps (be.be.be.be…)
2 = long beeps (beee..beee..beee…)
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Baud rate
Hi-Lo setting On / off
Hi-Lo setting “Beeps” at: Hi
Hi-Lo setting “Beeps” at: Lo
Hi-Lo setting “Beeps” at: OK
Manual SA 250
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PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
The User Mode is selected by pressing key continuously and then
starting the scale with key .
As soon as the display shows: CAL , release the key.
Press key to step to the first and the next menu lines.
After operating key in one of the menu lines, the present values of that
line will be entered, followed by automatic stepping to the next line.
Use key to edit a parameter in a menu line
The menu may be closed with key , all (edited) data will be memorized
that have been entered with key
However: once an weight adjusting procedure has been started, it has to be
completed to its full extend. If this is not done, the weighing results will be
incorrect and not reliable.
The User mode is not accessible in legal stamped scales.
Attention !
The calibration mode in legal stamped scales is under EC rules not accessible. The breaking of the legal seals only
makes this access possible. Breaking the seals of housing and platform terminates the warranty, besides that it is a
legal crime that may cause severe financial fines.
18 different scale divisions (d) are selectable:
0.001 0.1 0.010
0.002 0.2 0.020
0.005 0.5 0.050
0.01 1 10
0.02 2 20
0.05 5 50
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
If the scale has to be adjusted only, skip this function by pressing key .
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Scale divisions
CALIBRATION mode how to operate
MENU CALIBRATON mode (not accessible in legal stamped scales and on request)
The hatched frames
show the default
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Manual SA 250
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
The lock up function has 3 programs available:
0 - switched off
1 - The weight value will be locked up as soon as the reading comes to a
exact standstill, until the scale display returns to zero and comes to
a standstill at zero.
2 - The weight value will be locked up as soon as a standstill within 1, 2 or 3
scale divisions is determined. However if the real weight value changes
for at least 1,2 or 3 scale divisions, the lock up will be set free .
If program 2 is selected, this will offer the opportunity to select the number of
divisions that will be used to determine the rate of motion that will start up and
hold on the locking of the weight reading:
0 = within 1 scale division
1 = within 2 scale divisions
2 = within 3 scale divisions
With key the available choices are shown.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line.
There are 2 procedures available to adjust the weight reading:
0 = single point adjustment with one free to choose weight value *)
1 = multi points adjustment with 3 free to choose weight values, with this
method a not linearity of the scale may be compensated **)
With key the required program may be selected.
With key the selected choice may be entered , followed by automatic
stepping to the next menu line: CAL, according to the selected choice this will
be the one point or multi points adjustment procedure.
*) With the one point procedure the best results are achieved by choosing a
reference weight value of about 2/3 of the scale capacity.
**) With the multi points procedure the best results are achieved by choosing
reference weight values of about 1/6, 2/3 and 3/3 of the scale capacity.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Choice of the weight adjusting procedures
Hold function Lock up function, is always disabled at legal stamped scales.
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PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
1. Press key to step to the next menu line: zero adjustment.
The actual zero value can be read now in points of the A/D converter.
The value should be in between: 5.000 and 50.000 .
If this is not so, adjust with switch 1 on the main print board.
2. Set the reading to zero with key . If only the zero has to be adjusted,
the procedure may be terminated from here by pressing key
3. Put an accurate weight (value free to choose) in the middle of the weigh
platform. The display reading should be now in between 50.000 and
250.000 points. If this number is higher or lower an accurate adjustment
is not to possible.
4. Press key to enter the measured weight signal
The display now asks for the value of the weight that has been put
upon the scale.
The display shows :
SP 1 , the figure at the right flashes and may be edited
now with key
With key the next figure is made editable, and so on.
5. Key in the complete weight value
and enter with key .
The display will show CAL during the entering procedure and will step
forward to the next menu line.
The display now asks for the value of the maximum scale capacity.
The display shows:
SP 2 , the figure at the right flashes and may be edited
now with key .
With key the next figure is made editable, and so on.
6. Key in the complete weight value of the maximum scale capacity.
During normal operation of the scale the weight reading will switch off and
show “overload” at loadings above this weight value + 9 divisions.
7. Press key to enter the value of the maximum weighing capacity.
The display shows CAL during the entering procedure.
The adjustment procedure will now be finished and the scale will
automatically return to the normal weighing mode.
8. Remove the weight from the weigh platform.
9. Switch the scale off and on again. All keys will be accessible now.
The scale is ready to be used.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
One point adjustment : Procedure with one reference weight
SP 1
SP 2
SP 1
SP 2
Manual SA 250
pag. 15
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
1. Press key to step to the next menu line: zero adjustment.
The actual zero value can be read now in points of the A/D converter.
The value should be in between: 5.000 and 50.000 .
If this is not so, adjust with switch 1 on the main print board.
2. Set the reading to zero with key . If only the zero has to be adjusted,
the procedure may be terminated from here by pressing key
3. Press key to step to the next menu line : 1
point of adjustment.
After a short: L
N.1 the display reading sets zero.
4. Put an accurate weight (value free to choose) on the weigh platform.
Previously used calibration weight value may be shown now.
A possible deviation from this previous adjustment now can be read.
5. Press key to enter the measured weight signal
6. Enter the value of this weight with the keys
(increase) and (switch left)
The symbol F1 indicates this first point of adjustment.
7. Press key to enter the value of the weight.
After a short: L
N.2 the program steps to the 2
point of adjustment.
The (adjusted) value of the present load may be read now.
8. Add weights for the 2
point of adjustment upon the scale.
9. Press key to enter the measured weight signal
10. Enter the value of this weight with the keys
(increase) and (switch left)
The symbol F2 indicates this second point of adjustment.
11. Press key to enter the value of the weight
After a short: L
N.3 the program steps to the 3
point of adjustment.
The (adjusted) value of the present load may be read now.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
Multi points adjustment: Procedure with 3 reference weights
F 1
F 1
F 2
F 2
Manual SA 250
pag. 16
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
12. Add weights for the 3
point of adjustment upon the scale.
(This is not necessarily the max. weighing capacity)
13. Press key to enter the measured weight signal.
14. Enter the value of this weight with the keys
(increase) and (switch left)
The symbol F3 indicates this second point of adjustment.
15. Press key to enter the value of the weight
16. The display now asks for the value of the maximum scale capacity.
The display shows:
SP 2 , the figure at the right flashes and may be edited
now with key .
With key the next figure is made editable, and so on.
During normal operation of the scale the weight reading will switch off and
show “overload” at loadings above this weight value + 9 divisions.
17. Press key to enter the value of the maximum weighing capacity.
The display shows CAL during the entering procedure.
The adjustment procedure will now be finished and the scale will
automatically return to the normal weighing mode.
8. Remove the weight from the weigh platform.
19. Switch the scale off and on again. All keys will be accessible now.
The scale is ready to be used.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
F 3
F 3
SP 2
SP 2
Manual SA 250
pag. 17
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Table 1
Byte Format
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
start stop
Table 2
Weight transmission only
1 string, format 13 bytes
Table 3 Weight and counting transmission
5 strings, format 14 - 16 bytes
Connector DB-09 Female:
Loadcell cable
colors *)
on indicator
Cable internal
inside indicator
Excitation +
pin 1
E +
pin 3 - - - -
Excitation -
pin 4
E -
Signal + white pin 6 white
S +
Signal -
pin 8
S -
Sense +
pin 2
shortcut with pin 1
Sense -
pin 5 shortcut with pin 4
*) These are the standard wire colors. Other colors may be applied. In that case
the loadcell has to be checked by measuring the resistances per wire group:
Exc + en - (420 ), Sense + and - (420 ) , Signal + and - (350 ).
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
a x x x b x x x c k g
nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
G a x x x b x x x a k
N a x x x b x x x a k
T a x x x b x x x a k
Q T Y a x x x x x x a
P C S a x b x x x x x
a g CR LF
RS 232 output Data communication
Baud rate 2400 / 9600 (selectable)
Parity none
Data bits 8
Codes CR and LF
a = either a blank, or a minus sign
x = blanks and/or weight figures
b = decimal dot *)
c = blank
k and g = weight unit: kilo gram
*) In weight figures with 2 or 1 figure behind the decimal
the decimal dot is in position 6 or 7.
Weight figures without a decimal are transmitted without a
decimal dot too.
G = Gross weight
N = Net weight
T = Tare weight
QTY = Quantity of counted pieces
PCS = Weight of one single piece. The position of the
decimal dot is here dependent on the
presentation of the figure itself.
g = weight unit: gram
Connector DB-09 Male:
Pin 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 NC
Pin 2 TXD
Pin 5 GND
Loadcell connection
Pin configuration loadcell connector,
solder side (inside indicator):
Pin configuration loadcell cable
connector, solder side
Pin configuration RS 232
connector (inside indicator,
solder side)
Pin configuration RS 232
cable connector (solder side)
pag. 18
Manual SA 250
PCG/C SA 250 Manual 27-03-07
Lod . . . stays on display. At switching on the weight signal is too low.
Check the correct position of the weigh platform and possible damage of the
connecting cable and connector.
The loadcell could be damaged.
Execute a new one point adjustment procedure until the point 2 (zero setting).
The scale has been switched on, but zero setting is not possible since the
weight signal is higher or lower as 10% of the scale capacity.
Remove the load on the weigh platform. Check cable and connector.
Execute a new one point adjustment procedure until point 2 (zero setting).
The scale refuses zero setting.
The weight signal is outside the zero setting range(+ and - 2% scale capacity).
Tare function will operate correctly. Switch the scale off and on again so a
new zero (+ and - 10% scale capacity) may be settled.
Reading is gross
negative. Set zero and set tare not possible.
The scale has been switched on with a load on the platform and has set zero
with this load. Thereafter, the load has been removed and now the reading is
gross negative. Switch the scale off and on again with an empty platform.
The load on the platform is higher as the maximum scale capacity: overload.
Remove the load from the weigh platform. Check cable and connector.
The loadcell could be damaged.
The weight signal is far too negative. Check the correct position of the weigh
platform and clean the interior of the platform. Check for damage of the cable
and connector. The loadcell could be damaged.
Execute a new adjustment procedure.
Power supply excitation is too low, battery is empty.
Recharge the battery.
The Hi-Lo function cannot be selected with key F
- No weight values has been entered in the Hi-Lo mode.
Enter upper and down limit weight values with the key Hi-Lo.
- The Hi-Lo function is disabled in the USER mode.
The Lock up function cannot be selected with key F
- The Lock up function is disabled in the Calibration mode.
No data transmission or printing follows after operating the printer key.
- The transmission function is disabled in the USER mode
- Scale reading is at zero
- Scale reading has not been on zero with standstill after the last transmission.
WEEGTECHNIEK HOLLAND B.V. Website www.weegtechniek.nl Tel +31 36 522 20 30
Patroonsweg 23-27 Email info@ weegtechniek.nl Fax +31 36 522 20 60
3892 DA ZEEWOLDE The Netherlands
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