IMPORTANT! One more of the following features may be dis-
dio link provider. Therefore, some of the features described
may not be accessible or may differ from the description
to function keys F1, F2, F3, F4/ESC or to key
In doubt, always contact the radio link provider/manager.
5.1 Switching the radio on and off
Toswitchtheradioon, turn the Volume On/Off knob clockwise until
you hear a click.
All the LEDs and display segments switch on.The radio runs a self-
been switched on. To switch the radio off, turn the Volume On/Off
knob counterclockwise until you hear a click.
5.2 Adjusting the volume
To increase the volume, turn the Volume On/Off clockwise.
To lower it, turn it counterclockwise.
2 Thevolumejustbeadjustedwhilelisteningtoatransmissionor
5.3 Selecting a channel
The transceiver can be programmed with one ore more radio chan-
nels. To select a channel, press key
(Up) several times in order
to scroll the list in ascending order or
(Down) to view the chan-
nels in descending order.
2 Toquicklyscrollthelistofchannels,youcanevenkeeponeof
For additional information on programmed channels and on their
use, contact the radio link provider.
5.4 Reception
There are two reception modes available:
• Opentrafc – This mode enables you to listen to all communication
transmitted through the currently selected channel. When you re
[9] turns green.
• CTCSS/DCS tones/codes, when programmed, enable you to lis-
ten only to the communications of other users connected to the
same network, that is who use the same CTCSS/DCS tone/code.
For more detailed information, see Chapter 8.
I CTCSS and DCS tones/codes enable to share the same fre-
quency among several radio links.