1st = 0 Bank (sound bank selection marked “Bank” on the display).
1 Modulation (modulation wheel marked “Modul” on the display).
5 Portamento Time
6 Data Entry (contains RPN and NRPN controls data and is marked “DtaEn” on the
7 Volume (marked “Vol.” on the display).
10 Pan-Pot (marked “Pan” on the display).
11 Expression (expression pedal marked “Expr.” on the display).
64 Sustain (marked “Sust.” on the display).
65 Portamento on/off (marked "Port." on the display).
66 Sustain pedal on/off (marked "Sost." on the display).
67 Soft pedal on/off (marked "Soft" on the display).
84 Wha-wha on/off.
85 Wha-wha amount.
91 Reverb amount (marked “Rev.” on the display).
93 Effects amount (marked “Cho.” on the display).
98 Byte LSB (significant menu) NRPN (marked "NrpnL").
99 Byte MSB (most significant) NRPN (marked "NrpnM").
100 Byte LSB RPN (marked "RpnL").
101 Byte MSB RPN (marked "RpnM").
121 Reset all controllers (sets main controls at default value and is marked “RstCn” on
the display).
123 All notes Off (reset played notes marked “Allof” on the display).
In the case of PROGRAM, it indicates the timbre (see list of voices in the Instructions
if Bank = 0 (first sound bank)
Program = 0 Piano
1 Rock Piano
2 Upright
3 Honky Tonk
" "
16 Leslies
17 Jazz Organ
" "
Bank = 1 (second sound bank)
Program = 0 Concert
1 Digipiano
2 House Piano
3 Stage Piano
" "
16 Rotor B3
17 Pop Organ
" "
Bank = 2 (user voices bank)