is controlled by a MIDI track. Further to assigning an algorithm, you may also select the
condition which will disa-
ble the Vocalizer for this specific button only. If neither an algorithm nor the 'Off' condition is selected, two dashes
will indicate that for this specific button the general Vocalizer conditions apply. Vocal Set 1, called up when the
Vocalizer is activated, assigns Arrange A and C the Harmony Right mode, and Arrange B and D the Unison mode by
F9 Vocalize Lead On: This is present only on the first ten algorithms of the Automatic Chord 1 and Fixed Interval mode. It tunes the third
voice generated by the Vocalizer in unison with the singer voice. It is deactivated by pressing the
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee LLeeaadd
function key again.
F10 Status: pressing repeatedly the
button modifies the Vocalizer status switching from
” indicates that the Vocalizer is active and able to receive data from the keyboard, via MIDI and from the
sequencer. “
” assures that the Vocalizer is controlled only by the keyboard and by the algorithms assigned
to the control buttons of the Arranger, and not via MIDI and not via the sequencer. “
” completely deactivates
the SD5 Vocalizer but still transmits the information for the Vocalizer control to the MIDI Out, to be able to control
a similar external unit. “
” deactivates the Vocalizer control via the keyboard, but not via MIDI.
After you have selected a harmonization mode using
FF33 MMooddeess
, at the centre of the screen the relevant algorithms you can select using the
push buttons are displayed. Following is a short description of the single algorithms for each mode:
The voices added by the Vocalizer depend on the chord recognised on the keyboard area to the left of the splint point, independently from its
inversion, and on the note sung, of which the intonation and the inversion, if any, will be determined according to the recognised chord. If the
note sung is extraneous to the chord, this note will not be reproduced by the Vocalizer but will be present as a direct audio signal. In this case
the Vocalizer reproduces a voice with a note that is as close as possible to the note sung, but compatible with the chord. If the note sung belongs
to the chord, the Vocalizer creates the harmonization as a function of this note, producing the single inversions. The single algorithms can vary
the position of the note sung within the chord and can place it to the centre, on the third or on the fifth. Modifying the note sung can, as a con-
sequence, also cause the inversions to change. The following algorithms are available for Automatic Chord 1:
Trio Standard: This maintains the note sung in the centre of the chord. If the Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled.
Trio Up: This maintains the note sung in the bass of the chord. If the Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled.
Trio Down: This maintains the note sung in the treble, generating the two voices under it. If the Vocalize Lead is active (On), the
note sung is doubled
Trio Octa 1: This maintains the note sung in the centre, with the keynote of the chord always in the bass. If the Vocalize Lead is
active (On), the note sung is doubled.
Trio Octa 2: This performs a third above the note sung and doubles the note sung in the higher octave. If the Vocalize Lead is
active (On), the note sung is doubled.
Trio Octa 3: This performs a third above and the unison with the note sung and doubles the note sung in the lower octave. If the
Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled
Trio Octa 4: This performs a fifth below the note sung and maintains the fundamental note of the chord in the bass. If the
Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled
Duet Open: This performs only the fifth above the note sung. If the Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled.
Duet Down: This performs the third below the note sung, transposed by one octave downward (lower tenth). If the note sung is
the keynote of the chord, the Vocalizer creates the third in the bass, belonging to the lower octave with regard to
the note sung. If the note sung is the third of the cord, the Vocalizer creates the keynote in the bass, belonging to
the lower octave. If the note sung is the fifth of the chord, the Vocalizer creates the third in the bass, but still belon-
ging to the same octave as the note sung. If the Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled.
Duet Up: Performs the third above the note sung. If the Vocalize Lead is active (On), the note sung is doubled.
3 Open 1: Performs the higher third as well as the lower fifth and octave, compared to the note sung.
3 Open 2: Performs the higher third, as well as the lower third and fifth compared to the note sung.
In this mode the Vocalizer always uses all three voices available, so the Vocalize Lead function cannot be activated. The voices generated by
the Vocalizer depend on the chord recognised on the keyboard area to the left of the split point, independently from the position of its inver-
sion, and on the note sung. If the note sung is extraneous to the chord, this note will not be reproduced by the Vocalizer but will be present as
a direct audio signal. The Full algorithms are a reproduction of the recognised chord. The Jazz algorithms are more sophisticated harmoniza-
tions to model the chords with sixths and sevenths.
The following algorithms are available for Automatic Chord 2:
Harmony Right:The chord is recognised on the keyboard area to the right of the split point, with all its inversions, regardless of the note sung.
Harmony Left:
The chord is recognised on the keyboard area to the left of the split point, with all its inversions, regardless of the note sung.
Full 1: Similar to Full Trio 1 in Automatic Chord 2 mode, with the difference that instead of the note sung a single note on the keyboard