area to the right of the split point is taken as reference. The chord, instead, is recognised on the keyboard area to the left of
the split point, regardless of the inversion of the note played to the right of the split point.
Full 2: Similar to Full 1, but with the voices generated above the note played to the right of the keyboard split point.
Full 3: Similar to Full 2, but with all the voices generated above the note played to the right of the keyboard split point.
Jazz 1: Applies the harmonization table used for Jazz Trio 1 of Automatic Chord 2, with the difference that the inversions of the chord
played on the keyboard area to the left of the split point are determined by the note played to the right of the split point. The
voices generated remain below the note played to which the unison note is added.
Jazz 2: Similar to Jazz 1 with just one voice generated above the note played on the keyboard area to the right of the split point.
Jazz 3: Similar to Jazz 2 with all voices generated above the note played on the keyboard area to the right of the split point.
MIDI Mode: This is a special mode allowing the musician to control the voices generated by the Vocalizer via the MIDI data, no matter if
these come from a track of a Midi file being reproduced or from a MIDI In 2 input.
When using a Midi file, if the track dedicated to the Vocalizer has been correctly programmed, it is recommended to disable the
FF44 OOccttaavvee
function, in particular to avoid setting it on Automatic. In a Midi file it is sufficient to enter Control Change 16 with
value 0 in the desired track to destine it to the Vocalizer control. If the Midi file is reproduced by an external sequencer, it is
recommended to use the MIDI In 1 input. Vice-versa, in case of control by a MIDI accordion or by another keyboard, you need to
select MIDI In 2. If the Vocalizer track is to work with the internal sequencer, access the GM menu, select the destination track
and reproduce a couple of initial beats. With Part Mode you enable the chosen part selecting Vocalize and confirming the ope-
ration pressing the
One or a number of voices are added to the note sung at fixed intervals, regardless of the recognised chord. If set in this mode, the Vocalizer
works as a common Pitch Shifter. The
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee LLeeaadd
function can always be activated and allows you to double the note sung with a voice
generated in unison.
The following algorithms are available for Fixed Interval:
Unison: This generates a voice in unison with the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled in unison.
Octave Up: This generates a voice in the octave above the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled in unison.
Octave Down: This generates a voice in the octave below the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled in unison.
Octave Up/Down:
realizza una voce all’ottava superiore e una voce a quella inferiore rispetto alla nota cantata. Se F9 Vocalize è impostato su
On, si ottiene un raddoppio della nota cantata all’unisono.
Lead+Octa. Down:
This generates one voice in the octave below and one voice in unison with the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is
doubled in unison.
Lead+Octa. Up:
This generates one voice in the octave above and one voice in the octave below the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note
sung is doubled in unison.
5Th Down: This generates one voice in the fifth below the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled in unison.
5th Up: This generates one voice in the fifth above the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled in unison.
Lead+5Th Down:
This generates one voice in the fifth below and one in unison with the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled
in unison.
Lead+5Th Up: This generates one voice in the fifth above and one in unison with the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled
in unison.
3Th Up: This generates one voice in the third major above the note sung. If
FF99 VVooccaalliizzee
, the note sung is doubled in unison.
The twelve algorithms of this mode are designed to modify the voice in an amusing and unexpected way. As soon as you select one of these
algorithms, the direct microphone signal is muted so as to allow the effects stand out better. You may restore it pressing
FF11 DDiirreecctt
and the
push buttons.
Just try and listen to these algorithms: this will be better than any description we can offer in this manual. The algorithm parameters can be
modified using
FF77 FFiilltteerr
and can be saved in a Vocal Set.
Once you have modified any of the Vocal Set parameters, you need to store it in one of the twelve memories available to avoid losing them when
you exit from the
mode or switch the SD5 off. To activate the saving operation, press the
push button before exiting
The page displayed allows you to enter the name of the Vocal Set using the keys of the keyboard and the
push buttons, as well
as to define the destination memory entering directly the relevant number on the numeric keypad (
push buttons). Then press
FF1100 EExxeecc
to confirm. If you wish to cancel the operation, press
FF55 EEssccaappee
which takes you back to the
VVooccaalliizzeerr EEddiitt
page without storing the modifica-
tions, that are however still active. Another option available on the Save page is
FF99 DDeeffaauulltt
: Pressing this button takes the Vocal set back to it's
original settings.
The whole group of twelve Vocal Set memories can be saved either on a floppy disk or on a hard disk. Only the entire group of Vocal sets can
be saved as one file, but not the independent ones. Proceed as follows: