Genos Owner’s Manual 131
V e r sion 2.1, F e bruar y 1 999
Cop yr ight © 1 991, 1 999 Fr ee Sof tware F oundation, I nc., 51 F ran klin Str eet, F if th Floor , Boston, MA 021 1 0-1 30 1 USA
Everyone is permitt ed t o cop y and distrib ut e v erbatim copies of t his license document, but changing it is no t allow ed.
[This is the f irst r eleased v er sion of the Lesser GPL.
It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library P ubli c License, v er sion 2, hence the v er sion number 2.1 .]
Prea mbl e
The licenses for most sof t war e are designed t o tak e aw a y your fr eedom t o
share and change it. By contrast, the GNU Gener al P ubl ic Licenses are
intended t o guar antee your freed om to shar e and change f ree sof t war e— t o
make sur e the sof tware is fr ee fo r all its users .
This license, the Lesser Gen eral P ub lic License, applies t o some specially
designated sof t war e pac kag es—typically librar ies—of the F ree Sof tware
Fou ndation and other author s who decide t o use it. Y ou can use it too , b ut
we suggest y ou f irst think car efully about whet her this license or the
ordinary General P ub lic License is the bet t er strat egy to use in any
particular case, based on the e xplanations belo w .
When we speak of fr ee sof t war e, we ar e r ef err ing to fr eedom of use , not
price . Our General P ublic Licenses are designed t o make sure that y ou
hav e the fr eedom to distr ib ute cop ies of fr ee sof t war e (and char ge f or t his
service if you wish); that y ou rece ive source code or can get it if y ou want it;
that you can change the sof t war e and use pieces of it in n ew fr ee pr ograms;
and that you ar e inf ormed that you can do th ese things .
T o prote ct your r ights , we need t o make r estr iction s that for bid distrib utors t o
deny y ou these righ ts or to ask y ou to surr ender the se rights . These
restr iction s translat e to certain resp onsibilities f or y ou if you distr ib ute
copies of the library or if you modify it.
For ex ample , if you distr ibu te copies of the libr ary , whether gratis or f or a
fee , yo u must giv e the r ecipients all the r ights t hat we g av e you . Y ou must
make sur e that t hey , too , receive o r can get the sour ce code. If you link other
code with the l ibrary , you must pro vide complet e object f iles to the
recipient s, so tha t they ca n relink t hem wit h the library af te r making changes
to the libr ary and recompiling it. And y ou must show them the se terms so
they kn ow their rights .
We pr ot ect your r ights w ith a two-step method: (1) we cop yright the library ,
and (2) we of f er you this license, which giv es you leg al permission to cop y ,
distrib ut e and/or modify the libra ry .
T o prote ct each distrib ut or , w e want t o make it v ery clear that there is no
warra nty for the fr ee library . Also, i f the library is modified b y someone else
and passed on, the r ecipients should know that what the y ha ve is not the
original v ersion, so that the original author’ s reputation will not be af fected
by pr ob lems that mi ght be intr oduced by other s .
Finally , sof tware pat ents pose a constant threa t to the e xist ence of an y fr ee
progr am. W e wish t o mak e sure that a compan y cannot ef f ectiv ely restr ict
the users of a fr ee pr ogram b y obtain ing a rest rict ive license fr om a patent
holder . Therefo re , we insist t hat any pate nt license obt ained f or a v ersion of
the library must be consistent w ith the f ull free dom of use specif ied i n this
Most GNU sof tware, including so me librar ies, is cov er ed by the or dinary
GNU General P ublic License. This licen se, the GNU Lesser G eneral P ublic
License, applies t o certain designated libr arie s, and is quit e dif f eren t from
the ordi nary General P ublic License. W e use this license f or cer tain libr aries
in order t o permit linking those librar ies int o non-fr ee prog rams.
When a pr ogr am is linked w ith a library , whether statically or using a share d
library , the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a
derivative of the original lib rary . The ordinar y General Public Licens e
theref ore permits such linking only if the entire combination f its its cri ter ia of
freedom. The Lesser General P ublic License permits more lax crit eria f or
linking ot her code with the librar y .
We call this license the “Lesser” Gener al P ublic License becau se it does
Less to pr ote ct the user’ s fr eedom than the o rdinary General P ublic License.
It also pro vides other fr ee sof tware de v eloper s Less of an advan tage o ver
competing non-fr ee pr ograms . These disadv antag es are th e reason w e use
the ordinary General P u b lic License f or many libr aries . Howe ver , the Lesser
license pro vides adv antages in certain special circumst ances.
For ex ample, on rare occasion s, ther e ma y be a special need t o encourage
the widest possi ble use of a certain library , so that it becomes a de-f acto
standar d. T o achiev e this , non-free prog rams must be allo wed t o use the
library . A more fr equent case is that a fr ee library does the same job as
widely used non-fr ee librar ies . In this case, ther e is lit tle to gain b y limiting
the free libr ary to fr ee sof tware only , so we use the Lesser General P ub lic
In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free pr og rams
enables a g reat er numbe r of people to use a lar ge body of f ree so f tware. F or
ex ample , permission to use the GNU C Library in non-fr ee pr ogra ms
enables man y more people t o use the whole GNU opera ting sy st em, as well
as its v ariant, th e GNU/Linux oper ating s yst em.
Although the Lesser Gener al P ublic License is Less prot ectiv e of the user s ’
freedom, it does ensur e that the user of a pr ogram t hat is linked w ith the
Library has the freedom and the wher e with al to run that pr ogram using a
modif ied v ersion of th e Library .
The precise t erms and conditions f or copy ing , distr ibut ion and modif ication
fo llow . Pa y close at tention to the dif ference between a “work based on the
library” and a “work that uses the libr ary”. The former contains code der ived
from the libr ary , whereas the lat te r must be combined w ith the library in
order to run.
0. This License Agre ement applies to an y sof tware library or other
progr am which con tains a noti ce placed b y the copy right holder or
other author ized party sayi ng it ma y be distrib uted under the terms of
this Lesser Gener al P ublic License (also ca lled “this License ”). Each
licensee is addressed as “y ou”.
A “library” means a collection of sof tware function s and/or dat a
prepar ed so as to be conv eniently linked with applicat ion progr ams
(which use some of those functions and dat a) to f or m e x ecutab les.
The “Library”, b elo w , r ef ers to any such sof t w are library or wo rk which
has been distr ibut ed under these terms. A “work based on the Libr ary”
means either t he Library or an y der iv ativ e work under cop yright la w:
that is to sa y , a work containing the Library or a por tio n of it, either
verba tim or with modif ication s and/or tra nslated str aightf orw ardly int o
another language . (Her einaf ter , translati on is included w ithout limit ation
in the term “modif ication ”.)
“Source code ” f or a work means the pr efe rred f or m of the work f or
making modif ications t o it. F or a library , complete sour ce cod e means
all the source code for all module s it contains , plus any associat ed
interf ace definition fi les, plus the scr ipts used t o control compil ation and
installation of the libr ary .
Activiti es other than cop y ing, distr ib ution and modi fica tion are not
cov ered b y this License; the y ar e outside its scope . The act of running
a prog ram usi ng the Libr ary is not rest rict ed, and output fr om such a
progr am is cov ered only if its contents constitut e a work based on the
Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool f or writing it).
Whether th at is true depends on what the Library does and what the
progr am that uses the Libr ary does.
1. Y ou may cop y and di strib ut e v erbatim copies of the Libra ry’s complet e
source cod e as y ou r eceive it, in an y medium, pr ovided that y ou
conspicuously and appr opr iately p ublish o n each cop y an appropr iat e
copyr ight notice and disclaime r of warranty; ke ep intact all the notices
that r efer to this License and t o th e absence of a ny w arranty; and
distrib ute a cop y of t his License along with the Library .
Y ou may charge a f ee for the ph ysical act of transf err ing a copy , and
you ma y at y our option of f er warr anty prot ection in e x change f or a f ee .
2. Y ou may modify y our cop y or copies of the Libr ary or any portion of it,
thus f orming a work based on the Library , and copy and d istr ibut e such
modifi cations or work under the t erms of Section 1 abov e, pr ovi ded that
you al so meet all of these conditi ons:
a) Th e modified work must itself be a sof tware library .
b) Y ou must cause the f iles modif ied t o carry prominent notices stating
that you ch anged the f iles and the da te of an y change.
c) Y ou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no char ge to
all third parties under the t erms of this License.