132 Genos Owner’s Ma nual
d)If a facility in the modif ied Library ref ers t o a functio n or a tab le of dat a
to be supplied b y an application pr ogr am that uses the f acility , other
than as an argument passed when the f acilit y is inv ok ed, then you
must mak e a good fait h ef f ort to ensure t hat, in the e v ent an
application does not supply such function or ta ble , the f acility still
operat es, and perf orms whate ver par t of its purpose remains
(Fo r ex ample , a function in a libra ry to compute squar e roo ts has a
purpose that is entir ely well-de fi ned independent o f the appl ication.
Theref or e, Subsectio n 2d requir es that an y application-supplied
function or tab le used b y this function mu st be optional: if the
application does not supply it, the squar e root function must still
compute squar e r oots.)
These requir ements apply to the modif ied wor k as a whole . If identif iab le
sections of that w ork are not der iv ed fr om the Library , and can be
reasonab ly considere d independent and separ ate works in themselv es,
then this License , and its t erms, do not apply t o those section s when
you distr ib ute them as sepa rate w orks. But when y ou distr ibu te the
same sections as part of a whole whi ch is a work based on the Library ,
the distrib ution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose
permissions for ot her licensees e xtend to the entir e whole , and thus t o
each and ev ery par t r ega rdless of who wrot e it.
Thus, it is not the int ent of this section t o claim r ights or con test your
rights t o work writ ten entire ly by y ou; rather , the intent i s to e x er cise the
right t o control the dist rib ution of der ivati ve or collective works based on
the Librar y .
In addition, mer e aggr egat ion of another work not based on th e Library
with the Library (or w ith a w ork based on the Libr ary) on a v olume of a
stor age or distr ib ution medium does not bring the other work under the
scope of this L icense.
3. Y ou may opt to apply the t erms of the ordinary GNU General P ublic
License instead of this License t o a given cop y of the Libr ary . T o do this,
you must alt er all the notices that r ef er to this License , so that they r ef er
to the or dinary GNU General P ub lic License, v ersion 2, instead of to this
License. (If a new er ve rsion th an ver sion 2 of the ordinary GNU General
P ubli c License has appear ed, then y ou can specify th at ver sion inst ead
if you w ish.) Do not mak e any other change in t hese notices.
Once this change is made in a giv en cop y , it is irre ver sib le f or that cop y ,
so the ordina ry GNU General Pub lic License appli es to all subsequent
copies and der iv ative works made fr om that cop y .
This option is useful when y ou wish to cop y part of the code of the
Library into a pr ogram tha t is not a library .
4. Y ou may copy and dist rib ute th e Library (or a por t ion or deriv ativ e of it,
under Section 2) in object code or e x ecutab le f orm under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 abov e pro vided that y ou accompany it w ith the
complete corr esponding machine-r eadable source code, which m ust be
distrib ut ed under the te rms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
custo marily used f or sof tware int er change.
If distr ibutio n of object code is made b y of ferin g access to copy from a
designated place, then of f er ing equivalent acce ss to cop y the sour ce
code fr om the same pl ace satisf ies the r equir ement t o distr ibut e the
source code , e v en though third parties are not compelled to cop y the
source along w ith the object code .
5. A progr am that co ntains no der iv ativ e of any portion of the Libr ary , but is
designed to work w ith the Libr ary by being compil ed or link ed w ith it, is
called a “work that uses the Libr ary” . Such a work, in isolation, is not a
deriv ativ e work of the Libra ry , and theref ore f alls outside the scope of
this License.
Howe v er , linking a “work that uses the Libr ary” with the Library creat es
an ex ecutable that is a deriv ative of the Library (because it cont ains
portions of the Librar y), r ather than a “work that uses the libr ary”. The
ex ecutable is ther ef ore co v ered b y this Lice nse. Section 6 sta tes t erms
for distr ib ution of such e xecut ab les.
When a “w ork that uses the Li brary” uses mater ial fr om a header f ile
that is part of the Library , the object code f or the work ma y be a
deriv ativ e work of the Libra ry even thoug h the source co de is not.
Whether t his is true is especially signi fi cant if the work can be li nked
without the Library , or if the work is itself a library . The t hreshold f or this
to be true is not pr ecisely def ined b y law .
If such an object f ile uses only numerical par amet ers , data structur e
lay outs and accessor s, and small macros and small inline f unctions (t en
lines or less in lengt h), then the use of the object file is unr estrict ed,
reg ardless of whether it is legally a der iva tive w ork. (Execut ables
containing th is object code plus portions of the Library will still f a ll un der
Section 6.)
Otherwi se, if the w ork is a deriv ativ e of the Library , you may distr ib ute
the object code f or the work under the t erms of Section 6. Any
ex ecutables containing tha t work also fal l under Section 6, whet her or
not they ar e link ed dir ectly with the Libr ary itself.
6. As an ex ception t o the Sections abo ve , you may also combine or link a
“work that uses the Library” with the Libr ary to produce a work
containing portions of the Library , and distrib ut e that work under t erms
of your choice, p rov ided that the t erms permit modificat ion of the w ork
fo r the customer’ s o wn use and re verse engineer ing f or deb ugging such
modif ications .
Y ou must give promin ent notice with each cop y of the work that th e
Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are cov ered by this
License . Y ou must supply a cop y of this License. I f the w ork during
ex ecution display s cop yrigh t notices, y ou must include t he cop yright
notice f or the Library among them, as well as a ref erence directing the
user to the cop y of this License . Also , you must do one of these thin gs:
a) Accompany the w ork with t he complet e correspo nding machine-
readab le sour ce code f or the Library including what ev er changes
wer e used in the work (which must be distrib uted under Sections 1
and 2 abov e); a nd, if the work is an e x ecutab le link ed with t he Library ,
with the complete mach ine-read able “w ork that uses the Library”, as
object code and/ or sour ce code, so that the user can mod ify the
Library and then relink t o produce a modif ied execut able cont aining
the modif ied Library . (It is underst ood that th e user who changes the
content s of definition s files in th e Library will not necessar ily be able
to r ecompile the application t o use the modif ied def initions .)
b) Use a suitable sh ared libr ary mechanism for linking w ith the Library .
A suitab le mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the
library already pr esent on the user’ s comput er sy st em, rather th an
copy ing libra ry functions into the e x ecutab le, and (2) w ill operat e
properly wi th a modif ied ver sion of the library , if the user installs one,
as long as the modif ied ver sion is int erf ace- compatib le wi th the
ver sion that the w ork was made wit h.
c) Accompany the work w ith a wr it ten of fer , valid f or at least thr ee year s,
to giv e the same user the mat eri als specifie d in Subsection 6a,
abov e, f or a charge no more than the cost of perf or ming this
d) If distribution of the wor k is made by of fer ing access to copy from a
designat ed place, of fer equivalent access t o copy the abov e specif ied
mater ials fr om the same place .
e) V er ify that the user has alr eady r eceiv ed a cop y of these mat er ials or
that y ou ha ve a lready sent this user a cop y .
F or an ex ecutable, the r equir ed f orm of the “work that uses the Library”
must include an y data and utility pr ograms needed f or reproducing the
ex ecutable from it . Howe ver , as a special ex ception, the mater ials t o be
distr ibut ed need not includ e anything tha t is normally distribut ed (in
either sour ce or binary form) with the majo r components (compiler ,
kernel, and so on) of the operating sy stem on which the e xecutab le
runs, unless that component itself accompanies the e xecutab le.
It ma y happen that this r equiremen t contradict s the license restr ictions
of other pr opriet ary libraries that do not normally accompany the
operating s y stem. Such a contr adiction means you cann ot use both
them and the Library together in an e xecutab le that y ou distr ibut e.
7. Y ou may pla ce library facilities that are a work based on th e Library
side-by -side in a single library t ogether w ith other libr ary facilities not
cov ered b y this License, and distrib ut e such a combined library ,
pro vided that the separate distri buti on of the work based on the Libr ary
and of the other libr ary facilities is otherw ise permitt ed, and pr ovided
that you do th ese t w o things:
a) Accompany the co mbined library wit h a cop y of the same w ork based
on the Libra ry , uncombined with an y other libra ry facilities. This must
be distrib uted under the terms of the Sections abov e.
b) Give pr ominent not ice with the combined libr ary of the fact that part
of it is a work based on the Library , and explaining wher e to find the
accompany ing uncombine d fo rm of the same work.
8. Y ou may not cop y , modify , sublicense , link w ith, or distr ibu te the Li brary
ex cept as expressly pr ovide d under this License . Any at tempt otherwise
to co py , modify , sublicense , link wi th, or distr ibu te the Li brary is void, and
will aut omatically t erminate your r ights und er this License . Howe v er ,
parties who have r eceiv ed copies , or r ights, f rom y ou under th is License
will n ot hav e their licenses t erminated so long a s such pa r ties r emain in
full compliance.
9. Y ou are not r equir ed to accept t his License, since y ou ha ve not sign ed it.
Howe ver , nothing else g rants y ou permission to modif y or distri but e the
Library or its deriv ativ e works. These actions are p rohibit ed b y law if y ou
do not accept this License. Therefore, b y modify ing or distrib uting t he
Library (or any work based on the Library), y ou indicate y our
acceptance o f this License t o do so , and all its terms and condi tions f or
copy ing , distr ib uting or modify ing the Libr ary or works based on it.