Genos Owner’s Manual 129
V ersion 2, June 1991
Cop yr ight © 1 989, 1 991 Fr ee Sof tware F oundation, I nc., 51 F ran klin Str eet, F if th Floor , Boston, MA 021 1 0-1 30 1 US A
Everyone is permitt ed t o cop y and distrib ut e v erbatim copies of t his license document, but changing it is no t allow ed.
Prea mbl e
The licenses for most sof t war e are designed t o tak e aw a y your fr eedom t o
share and change it. By contrast, the GNU G eneral P ublic License is
intended t o guar antee y our fr eedom t o share and change free sof t war e—t o
make sur e the sof tware is fre e for all its user s. This General P ub lic License
applies to most of the F ree Sof tware F oundat ion ’s sof t war e and t o an y other
progr am whose aut hors commit to using it. (Some other F ree Sof tware
Foundat ion sof tware is co v ered by the G NU Lesser General P ubli c License
instead.) Y ou can apply it to y our progr ams, t oo .
When we speak of fr ee sof t war e, we ar e r ef err ing to fr eedom, not pr ice. Our
General P ublic Licenses are d esigned t o make sure tha t you hav e the
freedom t o distr ib ut e copies of free sof t war e (and char ge f or this service if
you w ish), th at you receiv e source code or can ge t it if you w ant it, t hat y ou
can change the sof tware or use pieces of it in new fr ee pr ogr ams; and that
you kno w you can do the se things.
T o prote ct your r ights , we need t o make r estr ictions that f orbid an yone t o
deny y ou these r ights or t o ask y ou t o surrend er the r ights. The se re stri ctions
translat e to certain responsibilities f or you if you distr ibut e copies of the
software, or if you modify it.
For e xample, if you dist rib ute copi es of such a progr am, whether gr atis or f or
a fee , yo u must giv e the recipie nts all the right s that you ha v e. Y ou must
make sur e that the y , too , r eceive or ca n get the source code. And y ou must
show them these t erms so they know the ir rights .
We pr ot ect your rights w ith two steps: (1) co pyr ight the software , and (2) of fer
you this lice nse which give s you leg al permission to cop y , distrib ute an d/or
modify the soft w are.
Also , f or each aut hor's pr otect ion and our s, we w ant to make certain that
ev eryone under stands th at ther e is no warr anty for this fr ee sof t war e. If the
sof tware is modif ied b y someone else and passed on, we want it s recipie nts
to kn ow that wh at the y ha ve is not the or iginal, so that any prob lems
introduced b y other s will not ref lect on the or iginal author s ’ r eput ations.
Finally , any fr ee prog ram is thr eat ened constantly b y sof tware pat ents. We
wish t o av oid the danger that r edistrib utor s of a fr ee pr ogram w ill individually
obtain pat ent licenses , in ef f ect making th e prog ram pr opriet ary . T o pre v ent
this, w e hav e made it clear that an y paten t must be licensed f or everyone ’s
free use or not licensed at all.
The precise t erms and conditions f or cop ying , distrib ution and modifi cation
follo w .
0. This License applie s to any pr ogr am or other work which cont ains a
notice placed by th e copy right holder say ing it ma y be distr ibut ed under
the ter ms of this Gene ral P ublic License. Th e “P rogram”, be low, refe rs to
any such pr ogr am or work, and a “work based on the P rogram” means
either the P rogram or any der iv ativ e work under cop yr ight law: that is to
say , a work containing the P rogram or a portion of it, either v erbatim or
with modif ications and/or translat ed int o another langu age. (Her einaf ter ,
translation is included wit hout limita tion in the t erm “modificati on ”.) Each
licensee is addressed as “y ou”.
Activitie s other than copy ing , distr ib ution and modif ication ar e not
cov er ed by this Lice nse; they are outsid e its scope. The act of running
the P r ogr am is not restr ict ed, and the outpu t from the P rogr am is
cov er ed only if its contents constitut e a work based on the P rogr am
(independent of havin g been made b y running th e P rogram). W hether
that is true depends on what the P rogram does .
1. Y ou may copy and distr ib ute v erbatim copies of the P rogram’ s source
code as you r eceiv e it, in an y medium, pr ovided that you conspicu ously
and appropr iat ely publish on each copy an appropr iat e cop yrigh t notice
and disclaimer of warra nty; keep intact all the notices that ref er t o this
License and to the absence of an y warr anty; and give an y other
recipients of th e P r ogram a co py of this License along wit h the P r ogr am.
Y ou may charge a f ee for the ph ys ical act of transf erring a copy , and you
may at y our option of f er w arranty prot ection in e x change f or a f ee.
2. Y ou may modi fy your cop y or copies of the P rogram or an y portion of it,
thus f orming a work based on the P r ogram, and co py and distr ibut e
such modif ications or work under the terms of Section 1 abo ve , pr ovided
that you also meet all of these condition s:
a) Y ou must cause the modif ied f iles t o carry prominent notices stating
that you chang ed the f iles and the dat e of any change .
b) Y ou must cause any work that you distr ib ute or pub lish, that in whole
or in part contains or is deriv ed fr om the P rogram o r any part thereof ,
to be lice nsed as a whole at no charge t o all thir d parties under the
terms of this Li cense.
c) If the modifi ed prog ram normally reads comma nds inter activ ely when
run, you mu st cause it, when started running f or such int eractiv e use
in the most o rdi nary way , to pr int or displa y an announcement
including an a ppropr iat e cop yr ight notice and a notice that ther e is no
warr anty (or else, sa y ing that y ou pro vide a warr anty) and that users
may r edistr ibute the pr ogram unde r these conditions , and tell ing the
user how t o view a cop y of this License . (Ex ception: if the P rogram
itself is int eractiv e b ut does not no rmally print such an
announcement, y our work based on the P rogram is not r equir ed to
print an ann ouncement.)
These requi rements app ly to the modif ied work as a whole. If identif iab le
sections of that work ar e not der ived fr om the P rogr am, and can be
reasonab ly consider ed independent an d separat e works in themse lv es ,
then this License, and its t erms, do not apply to those sections when
you distr ib ute the m as separat e works. But when y ou distri but e the
same sections as par t of a whole which is a work based on the P r ogram,
the distr ibutio n of the whole must be on the t erms of this License, whose
permissions for other licensees e xtend to th e entire whol e, and thus t o
each and e very part regar dless of who wrot e it.
Thus, it is not the int ent of this section t o claim right s or contest y our
rights t o w ork writ ten entir ely by y ou; r ather , the intent is to e xercise th e
right t o contr ol the d istrib ution of d eriv ativ e or collectiv e works based on
the P rogram.
In addition, mer e aggr ega tion of another work not based on the P rogram
with the P rogram (or w ith a w ork based on the P rogram) o n a volu me of
a stora ge or distrib ution medium does not bring the ot her work under
the scope of this License.
3. Y ou may cop y and distribut e the P rogram (or a w ork based on it, under
Section 2) in object code or e xecutab le f orm under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 abov e pr ovided that y ou also do one of the f ollo win g:
a) Accompany it wit h the complet e correspond ing machine- readab le
source co de, which m ust be di str ibut ed under the terms of Sections 1
and 2 abov e on a mediu m cust omarily used f or sof t war e int er change;
or ,
b) Accompany it with a wr it t en of f er , valid fo r at least thr ee year s, to give
any t hird p ar ty , for a charge no more than y our cost of phy sically
perf orming source distr ibution, a complet e machine- rea dable co py of
the correspon ding source co de, t o be distrib ut ed under the t erms of
Sections 1 and 2 abov e on a medium custo marily used f or sof t ware
int erchange ; or ,
c) Accompany it wit h the inf ormation you r eceiv ed as to the of fer to
distr ibut e corr esponding sour ce code. (This alt ernativ e is allowed
only fo r noncommer cial distr ibut ion and only if y ou received the
prog ram in object code or e x ecutab le f orm with such an of f er , in
accord w ith Subsection b abo ve .)
The source code f or a work means the pref erred f or m of the work f or
making modif ications to it. For an e xecutab le work, complete sour ce
code means all the source co de for all modu les it contains , plus any
associated int erf ace def inition f iles , plus the script s used to contr ol
compilation and inst allation of the e xecutab le. How e ve r , as a special
ex ception, the source code di stri but ed need not include an ything tha t is
normally distribut ed (in eithe r source or binary form) wi th the major
components (compiler , kernel, and so on) of the operating s y stem on
which the e xecut able runs , unless that component itself accompanies
the e xecut able .
If distr ibuti on of e xe cutab le or object code is ma de by of fer ing access t o
copy from a designat ed place , then of ferin g equiv alent access t o cop y
the sour ce code fr om the same place coun ts as distr ib ution of the
source code , e ve n though thir d parties are not compelled to cop y the
source along with the obje ct code.