4 5
The red player is the starting player in this
round, followed by (in clockwise order
around the table) yellow, green and blue.
The red player decides to enter the fi rst
Monastery, places his red disc on the «1»
space on the building card and plays four
of his hand cards face down in front of
Next the yellow player chooses to place
his yellow disc on the «1» space of the
Fortune-teller’s Tent, and play three
cards face down in front of himself.
Then the green player places his green
disc on the «1» space of the second
Monastery, but chooses not to play any
cards at all.
Finally, the blue player places his blue disc
on the «2» space of the second Monastery,
and plays one card face down.
The buildings are resolved one by one, starting with the fi rst building in the row.
Resolving a building consists of three steps:
a. Resolve cards
When resolving a building, all players who entered the building reveal the cards
they’ve played. Each player resolves the cards he has played:
• For each population card (regardless of class) and joker played, the player scores one
infl uence point in the class of the building (moves his scoring marker one step up on
the infl uence track for that class).
For each population card played that did not match the class of the building, he must
take one rat from the supply and place it face down in front of him.
For each special card (Sword or Flute) played, follow the rules concerning that
special card (see Overview of the special cards on page 8).
Each building is resolved in the order in which the players entered the building. The
player on the «1» space goes fi rst, followed by the player on the «2» space, etc.
b. Perform actions
Each player who entered the building is allowed to perform the special action of the
building. Most of the buildings have two similar actions printed on them:
• The premium action (top): may only be performed by the player who played the
most population cards (regardless of class) and jokers combined in this building.
If two of more players played the same number of cards, the tied player who entered
the building fi rst may perform the premium action.
The standard action (bottom): may be performed by every other player in this building.
Important: In a two player game each round only one player can perform a premium
action even if both players enter different buildings. The player who played the most
population cards and jokers (regardless of which building he entered) may perform the
premium action of the building he entered, while the other player may only perform
the standard action of the building he entered. In the event of a tie, the fi rst player to
enter a building wins the tie.
Final round: In the fi nal round of the game, no actions can be performed in the
buildings. The player who would normally perform the premium action will get an
additional infl uence point in that class. The other players get nothing.
c. Discard cards
All played cards are discarded: population cards go to the discard pile, jokers and
special cards return to their corresponding decks. Player keep cards they gained by the
effect of special cards or the result of an action in this building.
Note: The fi nal round can easily be recognized because
the building card deck is depleted.
Note: Even if a player is in a building and did not play
any population cards or jokers, he may still perform the
standard action of the building. He may even be able to
perform the premium action, if he was the only player in
the building, or he was the fi rst player to enter the building
and none of the other players in the building played any
population cards or jokers.
Note: In some cases, the order in which the players
perform the action of a building may be important. If this
is the case, the player performing the premium action starts,
followed by the other players according to the order in
which they entered the building.
Note: If a player moves his scoring marker to a space
already containing one or more scoring markers belonging
to the other players, he places his scoring marker on top of
these scoring marker(s).
Resolve buildings
Continuing with the previous example,
the fi rst building to be resolved is the
Fortune-teller’s Tent. The yellow player
was the only player who entered this
building. Now he reveals the three cards
he played. Two of the cards were Witch
cards, and the third card was a Monk.
Finally, the green player performs the premium action of the
building and the blue player performs the standard action,
since they were tied for the number of population cards and
jokers played, and the green player entered the building fi rst.
So the green player gets to discard two of his rats, and the
blue player discards one rat.
But since the blue player played a Sword card, the green
player has to give him half his remaining hand cards.
Then, he advances his scoring marker 4 steps on the
Church track.
Since one of the cards did not match
the class of the building (Magic), he
has to take one rat from the supply.
Thereafter, he scores 3 points in the Magic class (advances his
scoring marker 3 steps on the Magic scoring track).
Finally, he gets to perform the premium action of the card,
that is, he gets to look at two of the cards in the Nun row.
Following this, the fi rst Monastery is
resolved. The red player was the only
player who entered this building.
He reveals the four cards he played.
These cards were one Monk card, one
King card and two Witch cards.
He has to take three rats.
The blue player played one card, which turned out to be
a «Sword» special card, so he doesn’t score any points or
take any rats either.
Thereafter, he gets to perform the premium action of the
building, that is, discard two rats.
Finally, the second Monastery is
resolved. This building was entered
by the green and the blue player.
So they both reveal their played
cards. The green player didn’t play
any cards, so he neither scores any
points nor takes any rats.