To enable the SMS feature you should ask your ser-
vice supplier the service center numbers and store it
in your phone as follows:
1. Press the SMS key to display the SMS menu
Or, press the MENU soft key to display the
Main menu items, then press the key to
choose Favorite, then press SELECT soft key
and select 5:SMS by pressing the SELECT soft
2. Press repeatedly the or key to choose
5:SMS Settings, then press the SELECT soft
3. Press repeatedly the or key to choose
1:Service Ctr1 or 2:Service Ctr2, then press
the SELECT soft key
4. Enter the service number using the numeric
keys. You can enter up to 16 digits.
5. Press the SELECT soft key to save the setting.
6. To exit, press the key.
✍You can access the SMS menu only when the handset
is inside the radio coverage of the base.
✍At step 3, please note that Service Ctr1 is for messa-
ges being sent and Service Ctr2are for messages being
10. SMS, Email* and Fax*
10.1 Setting Service Center Number
Using the SMS menu, you can create, send, receive, and save your text messages. You can also
use the SMS to send fax or email messages (text only).
To enable the SMS feature, you must subscribe to the SMS service supplier and set the service
center numbers in your phone before using it.
✍Services such as SMS, SMS-to-email and SMS-to–Fax are available only if provided by your local telepho-
ne network.
✍You can access to the SMS menu only when the handset is inside the radio coverage of the base.