Envelopes (continued)
Moving points, 174
Opacity, 188
Ripple editing, 90, 91
Time selection fades, 175
Track envelopes, 173–177
Velocity, 189
Video, 188
Volume (event), 186
Volume (track), 173
Equipment setup for recording
Basic, 239
Mixer, 239
With digital multitrack, 240
With MIDI option, 240
Eraser mode. See Splitting and trimming events
Event effects
Audio, 230
Video, 303
Event Pan/Crop, 265–272
Event properties, 106, 109, 183, 184
Event switches
Copying and pasting, 184
Invert phase, 182
Lock, 181
Loop, 181
Maintain aspect ratio, 183
Mute, 181
Normalize, 182
Reduce interlace flicker, 183
Resample, 183
Setting, 181
Event takes
Displaying names of, 109
Recording audio as new, 241
Renaming, 109
Event vs. file, 61
Adding transitions, 327
Audio effects, 230
Channels, 184
Copying, 78
Copying and pasting attributes, 184
Cropping, 266–267
Crossfading, 52, 92–93, 274, 325
Cutting, 79–80
Defined, 61
Deleting, 89
Duplicating, 82
Editing, 78–89
Empty, 82
Envelopes, 186–190
Fade in and out, 187
Grouping, 190–191
J-cut, 83
L-cut, 83
Events (continued)
Moving by small increments, 63
Moving in time, 62
Moving multiple, 62
Moving single, 62
Name, changing, 109
Panning, 269–270
Pasting, 80–81
Pitch shifting, 105
Placing, 51, 52
Playback rate, 183
Properties, 106, 109, 183, 184
Recording into, 242
Repairing audio/video alignment, 88
Reversing, 89, 115
Rotating, 269
Selecting multiple, 74
Selecting with time, 77
Shifting the contents of, 87
Shuffling, 91
Sliding, 87
Slipping, 87
Slip-trimming, 87
Snapping, 103
Splitting, 85–87
Stabilizing, 185
Switches, 181–183
Trimming, 83–85
Undersample rate, 183
Viewing media markers, 115
Expand track keyframes, 66
Explorer window
See also Device Explorer; XDCAM Explorer
Overview, 26
Transport bar, 41
AAF files, 46–48
Projects to PSP, 378
Video to XDCAM discs, 146
Extensions, 400
External Control & Automation preferences, 432–434
External monitor
Overview, 357
Preferences, 419–425
Stereoscopic 3D projects, 128
TV, 359
Via AJA, 361
Via DeckLink, 361
Via SDI, 361
Viewing video on broadcast monitor, 359
Windows Secondary Display, 358
Fade in and out, 187
Assignable effects, 157