Include cancellation in renders and print to tape, 127
Input busses
Adding insert FX, 215–216
Adjusting send levels, 216
Adjusting volume, 220
Changing input device, 216
Changing output device, 216
Monitoring external sources, 226
Monitoring levels, 217–218
Muting, 219
Naming, 215
Panning, 219
Pre/post routing of insert effects, 220
Recording audio, 244
Renaming, 215
Soloing, 219
Using with hardware-based effects, 225
Input monitoring, 229, 240, 246, 247
Insert FX control region, 199
Command markers, 100
Empty events, 82
Empty tracks, 149
Layered PSD files, 52
Markers, 95
Media, 51
Regions, 97
Time, 82
Video files with associated audio, 52
Installing Vegas Pro software, 19
Interactive tutorials, 20
Deinterlacing, 285
Field order, 284
Reduce interlace flicker, 183
Inverting phase
Events, 182
Tracks, 66, 158
Isolating color channels, 321, 352
J-cut, 83
Joysticks, 458
Keyboard shortcuts
Cursor placement, 73, 479
Customizing, 414
Event editing, 480
Event selection, 480
General editing, 480
Loop regions, 479
Magnification, 478
Miscellaneous, 486
Mixing Console, 485
Multimedia keyboards, 486
Playback, 481
Keyboard shortcuts (continued)
Preview, 481
Project file, 477
Recording, 481
Red eye reduction, 481
Surround Panner, 484
Time selections, 76, 479
Timeline, 483
Track list, 483
Track Motion window, 484
Transport bar, 69
Trimmer window, 484
Trimming events, 84
View, 478
Keyframe animation
Event panning and cropping, 338
Generated text, 340
Overview, 332
Track motion, 343
Video effects, 339
Keyframe controller
Navigating, 334
Understanding, 333
Adding, 333
Automated panning, 258–261
Changing relative spacing, 336
Deleting, 334
In timeline, 66, 336–337
Interpolation curves, 334
Modifying, 334
Presets, 336
Ripple editing, 90, 91
Keying, 323
Labeling tracks. See Naming tracks
Layered PSD files, 52
L-cut, 83
Level slider. See Composite level slider
LFE channel, 249, 252
Line 21 closed captions, 292
Locating media, 41
Locking events
To track envelopes, 177
To track keyframes, 337
With switches, 181
Logitech Wingman joystick, 459
Loop playback, 76
Looping events, 181
Mask, 322
Monitoring, 354
.m2ts files, 50
Mackie Control Extenders, 438