iv | INDEX
Customizing (continued)
Video Preview window, 347
Cutoff frequency, 466
Converting to transitions, 329
Overview, 325
Cutting events, 79–80
See also Ripple editing
dB, 466
DC Offset, 466
Decibel (dB), 466
DeckLink SDI cards
Capturing from, 55–59
Configuring, 421
Previewing video on external monitor, 361
Printing to tape deck with, 383–385
Default time between CD tracks, 429
Default track properties, 161
CD layout bar markers, 393
Command markers, 101
Custom rendering templates, 376
Envelope points, 174
Events, 89
Keyframes, 334
Markers, 96
Media from bins, 45
Regions, 98
Tracks, 149
Device driver, 466
Device Explorer, 33, 60–61
See also Explorer window; XDCAM Explorer
Digital multitrack setup, 240
Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 467
DirectX plug-ins, 229, 303
Disable resample, 183
Disc-at-once CD burning, 389, 396
Display frames in Video Preview window, 423
Display preferences, 430
Dithering, 467
Do not quantize to frames for audio-only edits, 104, 429
DSP, 467
Events, 82
Generated media events, 308
Keyframes, 334
Tracks, 149
DV format
Capturing clips, 54
Out-of-range colors, 280
Overview, 279
Selecting source media for, 279
Setting project properties for, 279
Templates for, 279
DV tape, printing to, 380
DVD Architect Pro software
Exporting subtitles to, 298
Importing subtitles from, 293
Rendering files for, 263, 372
DVD camcorder, importing from, 49
3D, 132
Burning, 398
Creating with DVD Architect Pro software, 263
Rendering files for DVD Architect Pro software, 372
Dynamic RAM video previews, 350
Dynamic range, 467
Edge trimming, 83
Edit Decision Lists (EDL), 278
Edit Details window
Audio CD track list category, 117
Captions, 300–302
Commands category, 117
Customizing, 118
Displaying, 117
Edit functions, 116
Editing a CD layout, 394
Events category, 117
Markers category, 118
Overview, 28, 116
Regions category, 118
Selected events category, 118
Edit history, clearing, 94
Edit lists, 140
Audio in external editor, 102
Events, 78–89
HDV video, 282
Multicamera video, 121
Ripple edits, 89–91
Scripts, 400
Source projects, 53
Editing preferences, 429
Editing tools
Envelope, 189
Selection, 74
Zoom, 64
Effects. See Audio effects; Video effects
Empty events, 82
Envelope Edit Tool, 176, 189
Adding points, 173
Bypassing motion blur, 158
Changing fade curves, 175
Deleting from tracks, 175
Deleting points, 174
Event envelopes, 186–190
Fade in and out, 187, 188
Fade types, 187, 189
Hiding on tracks, 175