A/B Dimension Table
Prior to installation, define dimensions A/B. Without knowing
these dimensions, it is not possible to properly install and oper-
ate the drive system.
• The greater dimension B, the more sensitive the power cut-off function.
• If possible, ensure that dimensions A/B are corresponding (max. permis-
sible deviation: 40 mm).
• Pay attention to different post dimensions.
A 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1 C C1
B D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2 D C2
100 854 272 889 308 925 344 963 382 1001 420 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454
95° 84 105° 84 113° 84 120° 84 126° 84 129° 84 115° 84 107° 84 102° 84 98° 84
120 873 291 908 326 941 360 976 395 1014 433 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454
94° 84 103° 84 110° 84 116° 84 122° 84 117° 84 108° 84 102° 84 97° 84 93° 84
140 893 312 924 343 959 377 992 411 1028 447 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454
93° 84 101° 84 108° 84 114° 84 119° 84 109° 84 101° 84 96° 84 92° 84
160 915 334 946 365 976 396 1010 428 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454
93° 84 100° 84 106° 84 112° 84 110° 84 101° 84 95° 84 91° 84
180 937 356 966 385 997 416 1029 447 1035 454 1035 454 1035 454
93° 84 99° 84 104° 84 109° 84 100° 84 94° 84 90° 84
200 959 377 988 406 1017 436 1035 454 1035 454
92° 84 98° 84 103° 84 100° 84 93° 84
220 982 400 1010 428 1035 454 1035 454
92° 84 97° 84 100° 84 90° 84
240 1005 424 1031 449
92° 84 96° 84
260 1028 447
92° 84
Dimensions A, B, C, C1, C2 in mm
D = widest possible opening angle
1 rotation = 1.25 mm setting step
Adjusting stop position gate “OPEN”
Factory settings for gate “OPEN”: approx. C2 = 84 mm.
1. Press key (Imp). Gate moves to end position gate “OPEN”.
Hold push rod to prevent it from rotating,
as it would otherwise not be retracted.
2. When the end position is reached, measure dimension C2.
3. Set limit switch for gate “OPEN” to respective dimension C2. Prior to
adjusting the end switch, move gate slightly in direction gate “CLOSE”.
4. Press key (Imp). Gate moves to end position gate “OPEN”.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the desired value for dimension C2 is reached.
Adjusting stop position gate “CLOSE”
Factory settings for gate “CLOSE”: approx. C1 = 455 mm.
1. Press key (Imp). Gate moves to end position gate “CLOSE”.
Hold push rod to prevent it from rotating,
as it would otherwise not be retracted.
2. When the end position is reached, measure dimension C1.
3. Set limit switch for gate “CLOSE” to respective dimension C1. Prior to
adjusting the end switch, move gate slightly in direction gate “OPEN”.
4. Press key (Imp). Gate moves to end position gate “CLOSE”.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the desired value for dimension C1 is reached.
After the end positions for gate “OPEN” and “CLOSE” have been adjusted,
mount the post fittings.
Recommended range
Select dimensions that allow for the desired opening angle.
Please note that the values in this table are standard values
only. For gate wing lengths of more than 1.5 m, dimension B
must be at least 140 mm.