Developing Sites and Pages 57
Setting page size and alignment
Default site property settings for Width and Height determine the dimensions of
any new page or master page. A default site property setting for alignment
(either Left or Centered) determines how page content lines up in a browser.
One of the first things you may want to do, when creating a new site from
scratch, is to check the default dimensions and adjust them if necessary. You can
adjust the dimension settings at any time—but as a rule, make changes before
you've gone too far with laying out page elements!
In general, use a page Width setting that will fit on a standard monitor (750
pixels is usually safe) and won't force users to scroll horizontally.
For page dimension and alignment, you can override the site setting for a
particular page, as described in Setting page properties on p. 57.
To set the site-wide page dimension settings:
• On the dialog's Options tab, select different Width and/or Height
values to apply to master pages.
You can also change the default page alignment setting as a site property, or
override it for a given page.
To set the site-wide page alignment setting:
• On the dialog's Options tab, select either "Left" or "Centered" in the
Default page alignment drop-down menu.
For more details on other tab settings, see online Help.
Setting page properties
Your WebPlus site has its own general framework, consisting of the site itself;
one or more master pages; and a number of individual pages. Each aspect of
the framework has various property settings that contribute to the look and
behavior or your site when it's published. Whether you start with a WebPlus
template or from scratch, you can choose whether to stick with the default
property settings or alter them to suit your needs.
Page properties of individual pages can be viewed either via the Site tab, by
right-clicking on the active page in your workspace, or via the Site Manager.