56 Developing Sites and Pages
Serif Web Resources Scheme Matching
Applies your site's color scheme to published Smart objects.
Navigation Tree
Specifies the script file used for tree control on navigation bars.
Graphics Global image export options
Applies default format and resampling settings when exporting
HTML Output and Default HTML IDs
Control how your web pages are output by choosing from
different encoding methods and controlling which HTML IDs
Page header
Add author details and copyright details to your site's page
Publishing Site URL
Defines the full URL address. This is a requirement for
engine optimization with sitemaps or RSS feeds.
FTP account
Sets the default FTP account used for web publishing.
FTP account settings
Displays the default FTP account settings.
Search Search engine descriptors
Include optional descriptive information and keywords for your
Sitemaps and robots
Informs search engines or robots if they can crawl, analyze and
index web pages in your site. A Sitemap file will include web
pages to be indexed whereas a Robots meta tag (or a robots.txt
file) controls which pages are to be excluded from indexing.
Statistics Properties and statistics
View and change information for the current site.