310 Index
hyperlinking to, 223
Square Crop Tool, 125
Startup Wizard, 17
sticky guides, 52
story text
flowing in frame sequence, 83
Straight Line Tool, 143
Straight Path Text Tool, 88
font, 97
HTML-compliant, 67
object, 161
saving, 163
text, 99
Styles tab, 152
submission (of forms), 248
system requirements, 12
tables, 107
Creative, 107
HTML, 107
template (design)
adding pages from, 35
creating site with, 18
adding to text frame, 76
artistic, 84
attaching objects to, 133
bullets and numbering, 102
changing color or shading, 209
creative text frames, 76
editing, 88
formatting, 97
frame, 76
HTML text frames, 76
importing from file, 75
named styles, 100
on a path, 86
resizing, 122
setting default properties, 137
setting indents, 91
special effects, 151, 154
styles, 99
Unicode, 92
using gradient and bitmap fills,
Text Manager, 61
Text Style Palette, 99
theme layouts, 18
tinting, 210
for HTML, 240
Artistic Text, 85
Creative Frame, 79
Fill, 216
HTML Frame, 79
Instant 3D, 158
Irregular Crop, 125
Pen, 143
Pencil, 143
Pointer, 117
Rotate, 123
RSS Feed, 254
RSS Reader, 258
Shadow, 153
Smart Object, 270
Square Crop, 125
Straight Line, 143
Transparency, 218
Transform tab (Studio), 121, 122