Index 243
acquiring TWAIN, 19
creating new, 16
cutting out, 107
exporting, 185
fix ing, 57
opening file, 18
saving file, 20
sharing by email, 188
Image Cutout Studio, 107
Image Map tools, 151
image size, 93, 163
Image Slice Tool, 149
Import from Twain, 15, 19
Inner Bevel (layer effect), 71
Inner Glow (layer effect), 71
Inner Shadow (layer effect), 71
installation, 12
Instant Effects tab, 73
Invert (selection) command, 88
Layer to Background command, 29
layers, 25
adjustment, 50
Background layer, 92
blend modes and, 33
creating, 28
extracting parts of, 107
grouping, 31
hide/show, 29
Layer to Background, 29
linking/unlinking, 30
moving, 30
opacity of, 36
outlines on, 146
Promote to Layer, 29, 92
raster, 138
selecting, 28
selecting linked, 28
shape, 138
text, 135
using 2D effects, 71
using 3D effects, 73
using depth maps, 37
Learn, 15
Lens Distortion (distortion effect),
Lens Vignette (distortion effect),
letter spacing, 136
lighting, 59
for 3D layer effects, 74
Line Tool, 142
Line tools, 137
Linear (gradient fill), 130
drawing, 137
Load Selection command, 85
locking options, 29
macros, 155
copying, 160
modifying, 158
playing, 157
recording, 156
Magic Wand Tool, 83
Magnetic Selection Tool, 83
masks, 39
editing, 41
PhotoFix, 62
applying, 63
Mesh Warp Tool, 103
mesh warping, 103