Index 241
.PSD format, 17
.PSP format, 17
.SPP (PhotoPlus) format, 20
2D layer effects, 71
3D layer effects, 73
3D painting, 37
Add Layer Mask command, 41
Add Mask command, 41
adjustment layers, 50
alpha (opacity) channel, 35, 40
antialiasing, 89, 119
background color, 115
for new image, 17
Background Eraser Tool, 123
background layer, 25
Background layer, 92
batch processing, 161
Black and white film, 60
Blemish Remover, 54
blend modes, 33
painting, 120
Blur Tool, 54
Brush Tip tab, 119
brushes, 119
defining custom, 120
hard-edged, 120
bump maps (layer effects), 74
Burn Tool
pressure-sensitive, 167
digital, 19
canvas size, 16, 93
for new image, 16
Chromatic Aberration Remover
(distortion effect), 60
circle, 137
placing hotspot, 151
selecting, 83
Clockwise Twirl Tool, 78
CMYK separations, 182
adjusting, 47
choosing, 115
defining custom, 115
foreground and background,
palettes, 118
separations, 182
storing, 118
swatches, 118
Color Fill (layer effect), 71
Color Pickup Tool, 116
Color tab, 115
combination buttons
for lines, 139
for selection, 84
for shapes, 139
Conical (gradient fill), 130
copying, 92
correction (of images), 47, 53, 57
Counter-clockwise Twirl Tool, 78
Create New Image, 15, 16
Crop to Selection command, 99
Crop Tool, 96
cropping, 59, 96
to selection, 99
curves, 59