242 Index
brushes, 120
canvas sizes, 16
colors, 115
workspaces, 16
Cut/Copy commands, 92
cutouts, 107
Deform Tool, 101
deforming, 101
meshes, 104
selections, 86
depth maps, 37
Deselect command, 82
digital cameras, 19
Disable Mask command, 43
Documents tab, 19
Dodge Tool, 54
pressure-sensitive, 167
downsampling, 163
drawing and painting, 119, 137
Drop Shadow (layer effect), 71
Duplicate command (for layers),
duplicating a selection, 91
filter, 66
layer (2D), 71, 146
layer (3D), 73
special, 66
Elastic Warp Tool, 77
ellipse, 137
selecting, 83
sharing documents by, 188
Emboss (layer effect), 71
Eraser tools, 122
erasing, 122
pressure-sensitive, 167
Export Optimizer, 185
exporting an image, 185
extracting images, 107
feathering, 89
features, 4
fills, 127
flood, 128
gradient, 130
pattern, 128
Filter Gallery, 67
filters, 47, 57
special effects, 66
flattening an image, 20, 32
flipping, 99
Flood Eraser Tool, 123
Flood Fill Tool, 128
fonts, 136
foreground color, 115
Freehand Pen Tool, 142
Go to My Album, 15
Gradient Fill Tool, 130
gradients, 130
graphics tablet, 121, 168
histograms, 111
hotspots (image maps), 151
HSL, 60
for image maps, 150
for image slices, 150
for image maps, 150
for image slices, 149