Pull back the shielding on the jacket; apply isolating tape to the end of the shield-4.
ing as pulled back (detail A, Figure 5.11 CAN BUS cable connection → 40).
If the appliance is a 5. terminal node of the network connect the three coloured
wires to the orange connector as shown in detail "A" of Figure 5.12 Electrical wir-
ing diagram → 41. Respect the correct indications L, H, GND provided in Table 5.2
CAN BUS cables type → 40, on the figure and on the electronic board below the
If the appliance is an 6. intermediate node repeat the operations from step 2 to step
5 for the other cables required (in this way you will have two cable lengths each
one without the jacket on one end). Twist together the cores with the same color
and connect them to the orange connector, as shown in detail "B" of Figure 5.12
Electrical wiring diagram → 41.
Fix the CAN BUS cable (or two cables, according to the type of node being con-7.
nected) to the holding bracket in the upper part of the electrical panel so that the
pulled-back shielding is in solid touch with the metal bracket. The cables must be
firmly held in place by the bracket if pulled.
In order to position the jumpers on the electronic board according to the type of
node being configured:
If the appliance is a • terminal node on the network (i.e. 3 wires are inserted in the
orange connector on the board): set the jumpers as shown in detail "A" of Figure
5.12 Electrical wiring diagram → 41:
If the appliance is an • intermediate node on the network (i.e. 6 wires are inserted
in the orange connector on the board); set the jumpers as shown in detail "B" of
Figure 5.12 Electrical wiring diagram → 41:
Figure 5.12 – Electrical wiring diagram
Connection cable CAN BUS to electronic board: detail A case "terminal node", detail B case "intermediate node"
SCH electronic board
GND Common data
L Data signal LOW
H Data signal HIGH
J1 Jumper CAN-BUS in board
A Detail case "terminal node" (3 wires;
J1=jumper "closed")
B Detail case "intermediate node" (6
wires; J1=jumper "open")
P8 Port can/connector
After finished with all the above operations, close the electrical panel and refit the 8.
front panel of the appliance.