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Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Kuuntelu laitteistolla
Listening to your system
a. You can change the Advanced Sound Retriever feature at any
time by using
b. The default setting when the USB and BT AUDIO inputs are
selected is ON.
c. This setting works only with dual mono encoded Dolby Digital
and DTS soundtracks.
d. This is not displayed by default. You need to change some
settings on this unit to display the menu. (see Displaying the
Fixed PCM Setting menu on page 29).
The initial set
is only available for Dolby TrueHD signals.
for signals other than Dolby TrueHD.
f. You shouldn’t have any problems using this with most SACD
discs, but if the sound distorts, it is best to switch the gain
setting back to 0 dB.
g. This feature is only available when the connected display
supports the automatic audio/video synchronizing capability
(‘lip-sync’) for HDMI. If you find the automatically set delay
time unsuitable, set A.DLY to OFF and adjust the delay time
manually. For more details about the lip-sync feature of your
display, contact the manufacturer directly.
Only available with 2-channel sources in
i. Only when listening to 2-channel sources in NEO:6 CINEMA
and NEO:6 MUSIC mode.
F.PCM (Fixed PCM)
This is useful if you find there is a slight delay
OFF recognizes the PCM signal on a
CD, for instance.
is selected, noise may be output during
playback of non-PCM sources. Please select
another input signal if this is a problem.
(Dynamic Range Control)
Adjusts the level of dynamic range for movie
soundtracks optimized for Dolby Digital, DTS,
Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD
and DTS-HD Master Audio (you may need to
use this feature when listening to surround
sound at low volumes).
(LFE Attenuate)
Some Dolby Digital and DTS audio sources
include ultra-low bass tones. Set the LFE
attenuator as necessary to prevent the ultra-
low bass tones from distorting the sound from
the speakers.
The LFE is not limited when set to 0 dB,
which is the recommended value. When set
to –15 dB, the LFE is limited by the
respective degree. When OFF is selected, no
sound is output from the LFE channel.
0 (0 dB)
5 (–5 dB)
10 (–10 dB)
15 (–15 dB)
20 (–20 dB)
** (OFF)
(SACD Gain)
Brings out detail in SACDs by maximizing the
dynamic range (during digital processing).
0 (0 dB)
+6 (+6 dB)
(HDMI Audio)
Specifies the routing of the HDMI audio
signal out of this receiver (
AMP) or through to
a TV (
THRU). When THRU is selected, no
sound is output from this receiver.
(Auto Delay)
This feature automatically corrects the audio-to-
video delay between components connected
with an HDMI cable. The audio delay time is set
depending on the operational status of the
display connected with an HDMI cable. The
video delay time is automatically adjusted
according to the audio delay time.
Setting/What it does Option(s)
C.WIDTH (Center Width)
(Applicable only when using a center speaker)
Spreads the center channel between the front right
and left speakers, making it sound wider (higher
settings) or narrower (lower settings).
Making the
setting “7” may cause no
sound to be output from the center channel.
0 to 7
Default: 3
DIMEN. (Dimension)
Adjusts the surround sound balance from
front to back, making the sound more distant
(minus settings), or more forward (positive
–3 to +3
Default: 0
PNRM. (Panorama)
Extends the front stereo image to include
surround speakers for a ‘wraparound’ effect.
C.IMG (Center Image)
(Applicable only when using a center speaker)
Adjust the center image to create a wider
stereo effect with vocals. Adjust the effect
from 0 (all center channel sent to front right
and left speakers) to 10 (center channel sent
to the center speaker only).
0 to 10
Default: 3
10 (NEO:6
Setting/What it does Option(s)
a. Advanced Sound Retriever-toimintoa voi muuttaa
koska tahansa näppäimellä
b. Oletusarvo, kun tuloliitännöille USB ja BT AUDIO on
valittu ON.
c. Asetus toimii vain dual mono-koodatuille Dolby
Digital- ja DTS-ääniraidoille.
d. Oletuksena tätä ei näytetä. Joitakin laitteen asetuksia
on muutettava, jotta valikko näkyy (katso: Fixed PCM
-asetusten näyttäminen, sivu 29).
e. Alkuasetus AUTO on käytettävissä vain Dolby
True HD -signaaleille. Valitse MAX tai MID muille
signaaleille kuin Dolby TrueHD.
f. Useimmilla SACD:lla ei pitäisi olla ongelmia, mutta jos
äänessä on säröä, muuta gain-arvoksi 0 dB.
g. Toiminto on käytettävissä vain, jos kytketty näyttö
tulee automaattista audio/video-synkronisointia
HDMI:n kautta. Jos automaattisesti säädetty
viive ei ole sopiva, aseta A.DLY OFF ja säädä
viive manuaalisesti. Kysy näyttölaitteesi
synkronisointiominaisuudesta sen valmistajalta.
h. Käytettävissä vain kaksikanavaiselle äänelle DOLBY
PLII MUSIC -tilassa.
i. Vain kaksikanavaisen lähteen kuuntelulle NEO:6
CINEMA- ja NEO:6 MUSIC -tiloissa.
Asetus/Mitä se tekee Optiot Asetus/Mitä se tekee Optiot
Hyödyllinen ominaisuus, jos huomaat
viiveen, ennen kuin OFF tunnistaa PCM-
signaalin esim. CD:ltä.
Jos valitset ON, voi kuulua häiriöitä ei-PCM-
lähteiden soitossa. Jos tämä on ongelma,
valitse toinen tulosignaali.
Säätää formaatteihin Dolby Digital, DTS,
Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD
ja DTS-HD Master Audio optimoitujen
elo kuvien ääniraitojen dynaamisen vaihtelu-
välin (saatat tarvita tätä kuunnellessa
surroundääntä hiljaisella volyymilla).
Joissakin Dolby Digital- ja DTS-
äänilähteissä on erittäin matalia
bassoääniä. Säädä matalien
taajuuksien vaimennus siten, että ne
eivät aiheuta säröääntä kaiuttimista.
Matalia taajuuksia ei rajoiteta, kun
asetus on suositusarvo 0 dB. Arvo
-15 dB on jo erittäin huomattava
rajoitus. Kun valittuna on OFF,
LFE-kanavalta ei kuulu ääntä.
Tuo yksityiskohtaisuutta SACD:n soittoon
lisäämällä dynamiikkaa (digitaalisessa
Määrittelee HDMI-audiosignaalin
reitittämisen tästä vastaanottimesta (AMP)
tai läpiviennin TV:lle (THRU). Kun THRU
on valittu, vastaanotin ei toista ääntä.
Tämä toiminto korjaa automaattisesti
HDMI-kaapeleilla kytkettyjen laitteiden
audio ja videon viiveen. Audion viive
määritellään riippuen HDMI-kaapelilla
kytketyn näyttölaitteen toimintatilasta.
Videon viive määritellään automaattisesti
audion viiveen perusteella.
(Käytettävissä vain keskikaiuttimen kanssa.)
Jakaa keskikanavaa vasemmalle ja oikealle
kaiuttimelle ja saa kanavan kuulostamaan
leveämmältä (isot asetukset) tai kapeammalta
(pienet asetukset).
C.WIDTH’in asetus ”7” voi aiheuttaa sen, että
keskikanavalta ei kuulu ääntä.
0 – 7
Oletus: 3
Säätää surroundäänen painotusta eteen
ja taakse ja saa äänen kuulostamaan
etäisemmältä (arvo -) tai lähempää tulevalta
(arvo +)
-3 – +3
Oletus: 0
Laajentaa stereokuvaa edestä surroundkaiuttimille
ja saa aikaan vaikutelman ympäröivyydestä.
(Käytettävissä vain keskikaiuttimen kanssa.)
Säätää keskiäänen kuvaa ja luo laululle ja
puheelle laajemman stereokuvan. Säädä
arvo väliltä 0 (kaikki keskikanavasta
vasemmalle ja oikealle etukaiuttimelle) – 10
(keskikanava vain keskikaiuttimeen).
0 – 10
Oletus: 3

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Others manual(s) of Pioneer VSX-531D

Pioneer VSX-531D User Manual - English - 41 pages

Pioneer VSX-531D User Manual - German - 41 pages

Pioneer VSX-531D User Manual - Dutch - 41 pages

Pioneer VSX-531D User Manual - French - 41 pages

Pioneer VSX-531D User Manual - Italian - 41 pages

Pioneer VSX-531D User Manual - Spanish - 41 pages

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