PENTAGRAM horNet Wi-Fi PCI [P 6121-L7]
Authentication: WAPI-CERT
Authentication – Change the authentication type.
Encryption – For WAPI authentication, the only encryption algorithm available is SMS4.
The WAPI protocol uses the authenticating server – ASU (Authentication Service Unit) for
authorization. Hence, after you select it, go to WAPI tab and configure its parameters.
OK – Save the settings and close the profile configuration.
Cancel – Close the profile configuration without saving the settings.
Profile configuration – 802.1x tab
On this tab, you can configure the 802.1x authentication parameters. You must obtain this
information from the wireless network administrator. The tab layout and available options
depend on values selected from EAP Method and Tunnel Authentication lists.
PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol) – transfers, using tunnelling,
authentication data between PEAP clients and authentication server. PEAP can authenticate
clients of wireless LANs, using only server-side certificates. It simplifies deployment and
administration of a secure wireless network.
TLS/Smart Card – Transport Layer Security uses certificates and two-way client and network
authentication. TLS is based on authentication with server-side and client-side certificates. It
can also be used to dynamically generate WEP keys, based on the user or the session, which
are used to secure subsequent communications between the wireless network client and the
access point.
TTLS – Tunneled Transport Layer Security uses certificates and two-way client and network
authentication. Data required for authentication are sent via an encrypted channel. As opposed
to EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS requires only server-side certificates.
EAP-FAST – Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling protocol was developed by Cisco.
Instead of using certificates, mutual authentication is effected using PAC (Protected Access
Credential), which can be dynamically managed by the authentication server. PAC can be
delivered (one-time distribution) to the client manually (distribution on a disk or via a secured
network connection) or automatically (distribution within a wireless network band).
MD5-Challenge – An EAP authentication type that delivers basic EAP support. Only one-way
authentication is supported, e.g. two-way client and network authentication is impossible. This
type is only available for Open authentication and WEP encryption.