Daily Cleaning your MR. COFFEE® Coffeemaker
Always unplug the coffeemaker and allow cooling before cleaning. Remove the filter
insert, the permanent filter (if available), the carafe and the carafe lid and wash them in
a solution of hot water and mild liquid soap.
Never use harsh abrasive cleansers, steel wool pads or other abrasive materials.
Dishwasher top rack safe parts: glass carafe and lid, brew insert and lid, permanent
coffee filter. Not dishwasher safe: thermal carafe, water filter dish. Never immerse the
coffeemaker itself in water, in any other liquid or in the dishwasher.
Regular Cleaning and Maintenance for your MR. COFFEE®
Decalcifying your MR. COFFEE® Coffeemaker
Minerals (calcium/limestone) found in the water will leave deposits in your coffeemaker
and will affect it. It’s recommended that you regularly remove these deposits by using
MR. COFFEE® Cleaner of vinegar. MR. COFFEE® Cleaner is available at many retail stores
or by calling the MR. COFFEE® Consumer Service Department at 1-800-MR COFFEE (1-
1. Follow package instructions to prepare one batch of MR. COFFEE® Coffeemaker
Cleaner. Pour the mixture into the water reservoir. Before decalcifying, remove the
permanent filter from the machine. NOTE: 4 cups or 20 fl. oz. of undiluted, white
household vinegar may be used as a substitute for the cleaner.
2. Place an empty MR. COFFEE® 8-12 cup basket-style paper filter or MR. COFFEE®
permanent filter into the filter basket and close.
3. Place the empty decanter back in the unit, centered under the brew basket.
4. Brew three cups of cleaning solution through the coffeemaker.
5. Turn the coffeemaker off and let stand for 30 minutes.
6. Run the remainder of the cleaning solution through the coffeemaker.
7. Discard the cleaning solution and rinse the
decanter thoroughly with clean water.
8. Fill the water reservoir with clean, fresh water.
9. Place the empty decanter back on the
coffeemaker, centered under the brew basket.
3) Agregue la cantidad deseada de café
molido al filtro. Suavemente agite el filtro
para nivelar el café molido.
4) Coloque el inserto del filtro removible de
vuelta en la unidad. Asegúrese de que está
centrado con la flecha apuntando hacia el
frnte de la cafetera. Devuelva la regadera a
su posición sobre la canasta. Cierre la
canasta de preparación.
5) Llene el tanque de agua con la cantidad
deseada de agua. Para un llenado fácil y
preciso, favor de referirse a las marcas de
capacidad de tazas ubicadas en el
indicador del nivel de agua, en el tanque de
agua y en su jarra de vidrio.
Para un mejor resultado, enjuague su
jarra térmica con agua caliente antes
de colar café.