Recording time (days) for permanent recording
Video system NTSC, resolution 352 x 240, no audio recording
Hard disk capacity
Total picture
rate (PPS) of
all channels
Image quality selected (storage space required per image)
Low (2 KB/ image) Fair (3 KB/ image) Mid (4 KB/ image) High (5 KB/ image) Best (6 KB/ image)
320 GB
120 14.7 9.81 7.36 5.89 4.91
60 29.4 19.6 14.7 11.8 9.81
30 58.9 39.2 29.4 23.6 19.6
15 118 78.5 58.9 47.1 39.2
7.5 235 157 118 94.2 78.5
500 GB
120 23.2 15.5 11.6 9.28 7.73
60 46.4 30.9 23.2 18.6 15.5
30 92.8 61.9 46.4 37.1 30.9
15 186 124 92.8 74.2 61.9
7.5 371 247 186 148 124
750 GB
120 35 23.3 17.5 14 11.7
60 69.9 46.6 35 28 23.3
30 140 93.3 69.9 56 46.6
15 280 186 140 112 93.3
7.5 559 373 280 224 186
120 47.9 31.9 23.9 19.2 16
60 95.7 63.8 47.9 38.3 31.9
30 191 128 95.7 76.6 63.8
15 383 255 191 153 128
7.5 766 511 383 306 255
Recording time (days) for permanent recording
Video system NTSC, resolution 720 x 240, no audio recording
Hard disk capacity
Total picture
rate (PPS) of
all channels
Image quality selected (storage space required per image)
Low (4 KB/ image) Fair (6 KB/ image) Mid (8 KB/ image) High (10 KB/ image) Best (12 KB/ image)
320 GB
60 14.7 9.81 7.36 5.89 4.91
30 29.4 19.6 14.7 11.8 9.81
15 58.9 39.2 29.4 23.6 19.6
7.5 118 78.5 58.9 47.1 39.2
500 GB
60 23.2 15.5 11.6 9.28 7.73
30 46.4 30.9 23.2 18.6 15.5
15 92.8 61.9 46.4 37.1 30.9
7.5 186 124 92.8 74.2 61.9
750 GB
60 35 23.3 17.5 14 11.7
30 69.9 46.6 35 28 23.3
15 140 93.3 69.9 56 46.6
7.5 280 186 140 112 93.3
60 47.9 31.9 23.9 19.2 16
30 95.7 63.8 47.9 38.3 31.9
15 191 128 95.7 76.6 63.8
7.5 383 255 191 153 128
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