be activat ed when the mop head is att ached to the appliance. T he rotation f unction is not possible w ith
any other at tachment.
4. Slowly move the appliance over t he surf ace to be cleaned. The ab sorbent microfibre pads ab sorb the
dir t that has been loosened by the ste am. Apply the steam liberally. Have a towel ready t o wipe away any
exces s water that may gather.
5. Water level warning : If the temperat ure and steam display flashe s 6 times or you hear a tic king noise, the
appliance is indicating a low w ater level. Once the appliance s tops emitting st eam, refill the water t ank
to continue cleaning , or turn off the appliance and s top cleaning. The applianc e allows filling of the tank
when it is activat ed, as it has an automatic water func tion that stops the st eam proces s as soon as the
tank is empt y.
6. T urning off t he appliance: Af ter each use, ensure t hat the appliance is SWI TCHED OFF and unplugged from
the outlet so that it is completely S WITCHED OFF bef ore next use. If there is still water in t he tank, you
should empty it .
• Steam clean your r eal wooden floors at most ever y 3 days and only ever at L evel 1 (lowest level).
• Do not leave the dev ice positioned over one place for more than 5 sec onds when it is switched on.
• Never pass over t he same spot more than 3 t imes during cle aning; this should be enough to r emove
any dir t and will ensure maximum longev ity of your wooden floors .
• Do not use on untreated wooden floor s.
• T est t he appliance on a small, isolated are a of your floor before using it across t he entirety of t he
sur face!
• Failure to follow the se instruc tions can re sult in damage to a wooden floor (raised grain or similar).
General note s on use:
• This produc t emits steam and gener ates moisture. Water st ains, discolourat ion or damage may appear
at its base if the unit is oper ated in one place for too long.
• Apply par ticular caution when using the applianc e on vinyl , linoleum or other heat-sensitive floor s.
Exces sive heat can melt glue used on the floor. Only use the appliance on coated floors t hat have been
profes sionally laid and do not have any cracks or gaps t hat would allow moisture to enter.
• T est t he appliance on a small, isolated are a of your floor before using it across t he entirety of t he
sur face.
• Never use the appliance in one place for too long . This can damage the floor sur f ace. Never put your
hands or feet under the mop. T he appliance gets ver y hot.
• A pulsing noise may be heard while the mop is wor king. This is a per fectly nor mal operating noise, and
it means that the mop is pr oducing steam. It is possible t hat some droplets of water will be gener ated
along with the ste am. This is also completely nor mal.
• The power and temperat ure of the steam c ould adversely affect some mater ials. Theref ore, always test
the steam mop on an inc onspicuous area fir st to ensure that the sur face c annot be damaged by its use.
Tips for use :
• Sweep or vacuum the floor before using t he appliance.
• T o prevent the for mation of puddles, t he microfibre pads must always be clean and dr y. T o ensure this,
wring out t he pads as needed.
• T o sanit ize an area of your floor, allow it to work in one spot for about 10 seconds ( but no longer than
15 seconds).
• The mop c an stand independently if you snap the handle for ward.
WARNING: Ple ase make sure the appliance is unplugged before a ssembling it or changing acce ssor ies.
Note : Never remove or att ach acce ssorie s while the appliance is in operat ion.
1. Pres s the semicircular telescopic pole r elease butt on (above the water tank relea se button) and pull the
telescopic pole st raight out of the unit.
2. Fill the water t ank with water.
3. Either at tach the desir ed attachment (see sec tion: Using the acce ssorie s) or use the mop head.
4. Once the appliance is f ully assembled and filled with wat er , plug t he power cord into an ear thed outlet.
Pres s the steam but ton.
5. The appliance will s tar t emitting s team af ter about 10-15 seconds. Select the de sired steam level using
the steam but ton.
6. Slowly move the appliance over t he surf ace to be cleaned.
7. If the handset stops emit ting steam, r efill the water tank if nece ssar y and cont inue cleaning.
8. After e ach use, ensure that the appliance is SW ITCHED OFF and unplugged from t he outlet so that it is
completely SWI TCHED OFF before next use.
• T o hygienically cle an work sur face s, kitchen counters , sinks, bathrooms, etc ., let the steam cle aner
work in one place f or about 15 seconds.
• Do not use the hand ste amer on heat- and steam-sensitive mater ials. The power and temper ature of
the steam c ould adversely affect some mater ials. There fore, always test on an incons picuous area firs t
to ensure that the sur face c annot be damaged by its use.
• Do not use the handheld steamer t o clean leather, waxed furnit ure, waxed floors , synthetic mater ials,
velvet, or other s team-sensitive mater ials.
1. Removing the mop head: Pre ss the mop he ad release but ton and pull the mop head off the appliance.
2. Att aching the jet no zzle: Now at tach the jet nozzle to t he main unit, making sure that t he round pin on
the nozzle snaps into place on the main unit .
3. Att aching an at tachment : Now at tach the desired at tachment ( brush, c orner nozzle) to the tip of the je t
nozzle. Inser t both pins at the tip of the power nozzle into the guide r ail on the respec tive att achment, and
turn t he attac hment to the left or r ight. To remove the attachment , twis t it off again.
Notes on acc essor ies :
ATT ENTION: Never use the r ound metal br ush on scratch-sensitive sur f aces. To remove the brush, tur n it
clockw ise and pull it off the jet nozzle thread.
Acc essor ies tips :
• The round pla stic brush is per fect f or stains that are ext remely difficult to remove (e.g. paint on the
floor) and is par ticularly suit able for cleaning smooth, hard sur f aces such as toilet s, sinks, kitchen
work tops, wheel rims and st ubborn st ains of all kinds.
• The small round met al brush, on the o ther hand, is part icularly effecti ve for cleaning hard sur face s,
such as brick floor s, grill gr ates, metal door s, metal fr ames and the like.
• Both br ushes are also highly effective f or removing grease fr om pans, hotplates and ovens. You can
also use them in combination wit h soap or cleaner on dir ty are as.
WARNING: Make sure the applianc e is unplugged before attemp ting any cleaning operations.
Cleaning the water t ank
Empty and cle an the water tank af ter each use. Use deter gent to clean the acce ssor ies (jet nozzle and r ound
brushe s) if they are dir ty. Then leave them to air dr y.
Descalin g the inside of the water tank
T o get rid of lime scale deposits inside t he water tank, add a t ablespoon or t wo of white vinegar to the water-
filled tank , put on the cap, and shake. DO NOT TURN ON T HE ST EAM CLE ANER. L eave the container f or a few
hours. Af ter wards, empt y the tank , refill with fresh wat er , and r inse until no debris is v isible.
WARNING: Never f ully immerse the appliance in water.
Removal of limescale deposit s
If the appliance begins to generat e steam more slowly than usual , or stops producing ste am altogether,
limescale r emoval may be required. The se deposits build up on metal par ts o ver time and significantly affect
the per formance of t he mop. Limesc ale deposits should be removed regular ly, approximately after each 25 to
50 tank fills, or at le ast once a month. T his is especially tr ue in hard water areas . The cleaning inter vals depend
on the degree of hardne ss of the water and how intensi vely the mop is used.
T o remove limesc ale deposits from the appliance, ple ase follow the inst ruc tions below:
Cleaning with a c leaning solution:
1. Prepare a solution of 1/3 white vine gar and 2/3 tap water and pour it into the water t ank.
2. Fix the appliance in plac e, ensuring that the ste am cleaner is not pointed at floors , surrounding object s
or sur faces. P lug in the appliance, pres s the steam but ton and let it produce ste am until the vinegar and
water solution has all tur ned to steam.
3. Repeat the above proce ss as many time s as neces sar y until the ste am output retur ns to a normal level.
4. Fill the water t ank with fresh wat er and rinse.
5. Fill the water t ank with fresh wat er , put it back on t he appliance, and release ste am until the tank is
Never leave the ste am cleaner unattended dur ing the limesc ale removal proces s or during nor mal use.
Note : Before use, te st the appliance in a suit able place to ensure that there is no debr is remaining inside it.
6. Cleaning clogged acce ssor ies : Due to the high mineral content of water in some are as, you may
experience le ss ste am being generated by your handheld steam cle aner . T his could be due to limesc ale
deposits in the nozzle tip.
7. T o remove limesc ale deposits, plea se proceed as follows : We recommend using a spray-on lubr icant .
Spray once or t wice into the tip of the nozzle. T hen, according to t he instruc tions, fill the steam c leaner
with water and continuously gener ate steam thr ough the affected opening for a few minute s to remove
the deposit.
8. Once the affected par t is clean and t he steam is free to exit , point the steam cle aner at a neutral sur face
or cleaning cloth to ensur e no leftover par ticle s are escaping wit h the steam.
Cleaning the microfibre pads :
You can clean the microfibre pads in t he washing machine.
Pad mater ial: 100% polyester
Using the cable c lamps (#11):
In order to fix the power c able of the appliance in a space- saving and prac tical way, the appliance comes wit h
upper and lower cable clamps. Wr ap the cable around the t wo cable clamps to keep it secure.
Issue/problem S olution
The appliance doe s not turn on. Check that the appliance is connec ted to the power supply and that the
cable is not damaged.
The mop head doe s not produce
Check whether there is enough water in t he tank and whether the
appliance has heated up yet .
The pads no longer absor b dir t. T he pads are full of dir t and cannot ab sorb any more. Change the pads .
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