During the warm up program if the heart rate monitor fails to
sense the user’s pulse (the PULSE display will show “P” and
blink), the computer will not change the speed or incline level.
If the heart rate monitor senses the user’s pulse properly and
the actual user’s pulse does not reach 65% of the maximum
heart rate ((220-age) x 65%), then the incline will go up by 1
level per 30 seconds. If the actual pulse reaches 65% of the
maximum heart rate, the incline level will remain unchanged. If
the actual pulse reaches 65% of the maximum heart rate for
over one minute, then the incline will be maintained the same
until the first 3 minute warm up program finishes.
If the actual user’s pulse fails to reach 65% of the maximum
heart rate within the first 3 minutes of warm up, the computer
will continue the second 3 minute warm up program. All
workout information continues to count up and the timer counts
down from 3:00. During the second 3 minute warm up, the
computer will change the speed instead of the incline level. If
the heart rate monitor fails to sense the user’s pulse (the
PULSE display will show a blinking “P”), the computer will not
change the speed. If the heart rate monitor senses the user’s
pulse properly and the actual user’s pulse does not reach 65%
of the maximum heart rate ((220-age) x 65%), then the speed
will be increased by 0.5MPH/0.8KPH per 30 seconds. If the
actual pulse reaches 65% of the maximum heart rate, the speed
will remain unchanged. If the actual pulse reaches 65% of the
maximum heart rate for over one minute, then the speed will be
maintained the same until the warm up program finishes.
If the actual user’s pulse fails to reach 65% of the maximum
heart rate within the second 3 minutes of warm up, the
computer will continue the third 3 minute warm up program.
All workout information continues to count up and the timer
counts down from 3:00. During the third 3 minute warm up,
both speed and incline remain unchanged regardless of the
actual pulse. If time counts down to 0 and 65% of the
maximum heart rate still cannot be reached, the TIME display
will show FAIL, and the program will stop and return to POWER
ON status.
After the warm up program (if the actual pulse reaches 65% of
the maximum heart rate to complete warm up program), the
computer will enter the HEART RATE CONTROL program.
TIME counts down from the previous setting. DISTANCE and
CALORIES will continue counting up from the warm up
program. During the HEART RATE CONTROL program, the
heart rate monitor will scan the actual user’s pulse every 30
seconds. If the actual user’s pulse does not reach 85% of the
maximum heart rate the incline level will be increased by 1 level
every 30 seconds. If the actual user’s pulse reaches 85% of the
maximum heart rate the treadmill performance will remain
constant. If the actual user’s pulse is above 85% of the
maximum heart rate the incline level will be reduced by 1 level.
SPEED will remain unchanged until the incline level increases
to 15% or decreases to 0%. If the incline level reaches 15%
and 85% of the maximum heart rate still cannot be reached the
SPEED will increase by 0.5MPH/0.8KPH every 30 seconds. If
the incline level decreases to 0% and lower than 85% of the
maximum heart rate still cannot be reached the SPEED will
decrease by 0.5MPH/0.8KPH every 30 seconds.
If the actual user’s pulse reaches above 85% of the maximum
heart rate over 3 minutes the HEART RATE CONTROL
program will be shut down and the computer will enter the one
minute COOL DOWN program. When the TIME counts down to
0 the HEART RATE CONTROL program has completed and the
computer will enter the one minute COOL DOWN program.
After the COOL DOWN program the computer will return to
POWER ON status.
The purpose of the HEART RATE CONTROL program is to
keep the user’s pulse between 65% of the maximum heart rate
and 85% of the maximum heart rate so as to reach the most
efficient workout result.
The computer console is equipped with a built-in wireless
heart rate receiver for use with a chest belt monitor. For
proper operation, the chest belt should be worn with the
monitor strapped across the front of your body just above the
chest line as shown in the drawing below. Most monitors need
a little body heat and moisture in order to work properly. To
ensure correct operation you may want to wet the two rubber
pickups under the belt prior to exercising. The internal pulse
receiver is compatible with uncodes POLAR chest belt
transmitteers. Coded systems can lead to incorrect pulse
readings. We recommend the POLAR T 34(included).