Fig. 7.7: Screen “Picture Info – Exposure”.
Fig. 7.8: Screen “Picture Info – Camera”.
Fig. 7.9: Screen “Picture Info – File”.
Fig. 7.10: Screen “Picture Info – Keywords”.
You can either press the joystick (enter) or the
“Back” button to leave the “Info” mode and
return to standard picture viewing.
7.4.3 Show Color Channels
The “Channel” mode allows you to view the
content of different RGB channels as well as a
black and white picture. From left to right the
softkeys will display: full color, red channel
only, green channel only, blue channel only
and B&W.
By moving the joystick left or right you can
view the respective channel of the previous or
next picture.
You can either press the joystick (enter) or the
“Back” button to leave the “Channels” mode
and go back to standard picture viewing.