Setting the temperature regulation button
o MIN (cold)
o MED(colder,standardsetting)
o MAX (coldest)
The temperature inside the appliance may be affected
by several conditions including the ambient temperature,
of food stored in the appliance and its location. It may be
necessary to experiment with temperature regulation until
Normal operating noises
When the appliance is switched on, a slight gurgling or
bubbling sound can be heard. This is the coolant being
pumped around the cooling system. When the compressor
is running, it hums or makes a discrete knocking sound.
The compressor does not run all the time. The thermostat
switches it on and off at regular intervals. These sounds
are all completely normal and do not indicate that the
appliance is faulty.
Freezing food produce
• Placefreshfoodonthetopshelf.Toavoidthe
formation of ice crystals that can damage food
• Neverstoreunpackedfoodintheappliance.Store
food products in their original packaging or in freezer
bags or freezer-safe containers.
• Writedateanddescriptiononfoodsbeforeputting
them into the appliance.
• Neverstoreaeratedbeveragesintheapplianceas
bottles can explode.
Storing frozen foods
• Storefrozenfoodintheapplianceassoonasyou
return from the store. If food has thawed during
the product.
• Neverpackfrozenfoodstootightly.Allowspaceforair
to circulate between items.
• Alwaysresealopenedpackaginginairtightpackaging
to avoid desiccation.
• Storeproprietaryfrozenfoodsinaccordancewiththe
• Makesureyouusefrozenfoodsbeforetheexpirydate.
Remove food that has gone beyond its expiry date
from the appliance.
• Frozenfoodthathasadvertentlybeenthawed(partially
or completely) must be used immediately or disposed
of (see guidelines above).
Inadvertent thawing of frozen foods due to power
In case of power failure, do not open the appliance and do
not put more food into it. When the power returns, check
the temperature inside the appliance using a themometer
and check the condition of the food. Follow these general
• Icecream:mustbediscardedifithasthawed.
• Fruitandvegetables:mustbepreparedandused
immediately if they have softened.
• Breadandcakes:canberefrozen.
• Fishandshellsh:mustbestoredinthefridgeand
consumed as soon as possible.
• Left-overs:mustbestoredinthefridgeandconsumed
as soon as possible.
• Meat:Largecutscanberefrozeniftherearestillice
fridge and consumed as soon as possible.
• Chicken:mustbestoredinthefridgeandconsumed
as soon as possible. Chicken can be refrozen as a
ready meal.
Energy-saving tips
• Neverinstalltheapplianceintheimmediatevicinityof
a source of heat.
• Neverobstructtheappliance’sventilationslots.
• Allowhotfoodtocoolatroomtemperaturebefore
you place it in the fridge. Allow the food to cool down
further in the fridge before freezing.
• Thawfrozenfoodinthefridge.
• Toavoidiceforminginsidetheappliance,alwayspack
food in airtight packaging.
• Neverallowthedoortostandopen.
• Checkthedoorissecureandformsaseal.
great deal of ice inside it.
• Emptytheappliancecompletely.Packfrozenfoodin
newspapers or carpets. Place in a cool, dark place.
o Make sure that the frozen food does not thaw too
• Switchoffandremovetheplugfromthewallsocket.
• Openthedoor.Placeasuitablecontaineratthe
bottom of the appliance to collect ice/water.
o To accelerate de-icing, place a bowl of hot (not
boiling) water inside the appliance.
o Useaplasticscrapertoremoveice.Neverscrape
ice using a sharp instrument as this may damage
the inside surfaces of the appliance.
• Placeaclothorrolled-upnewspaperunderthe
appliance to absorb water escaping from the
• Whentheapplianceiscompletelyde-iced,cleanin
accordance with the Cleaning instructions below.
Ensure that the appliance is completely dry before
switching it on.
• Pluginandswitchonthepower.
• Replacethefoodproducts.
When cleaning the appliance, you should pay attention to
• Unplugtheappliancebeforecleaningit.
• Cleaningtheinsideoftheappliance:
o Clean the appliance using warm water and a little
bicarbonate of soda (5 ml per ½ litre of water).
o Never use soap or detergent as these can give off
odours. Never use detergents containing bleaching
agent or spirit.
o Wipe clean with a cloth wrung out in clean water
and then with a dry cloth. Allow the appliance to
dry completely before use.
• Cleaningtheexternalsurfacesoftheappliance:
o To clean the external surfaces of the appliance
and the rubber seals around the door, wipe with a
damp cloth. A little detergent can be added if the
appliance is heavily soiled.