For testing purposes, the maintenance staff should use a test cable with a IEC 62196-2 Type 2
plug, where a connection with a IEC 61851 standard vehicle can be simulated.
The service doors of the station can be opened by lifting unlocked doors and slightly opening
them at the same time, then slightly lifting them once more and opening them completely. The
handle next to the lock should be used to lift the doors.
8.2 Diagnostics of the functioning of the station
The maintenance staff can access and view archived events and statuses with the use of
recorded logs. Overview of logs and monitoring of the functioning of the station can be done
through the configuration interface of the station, which runs as a web application in the
station itself. The configuration interface of each individual station can be accessed remotely
from the charging infrastructure Control centre.
Local access to the configuration interface requires the following:
• computer with a web browser,
• network cable, used to connect directly to the charging station or to the port 4 of the
network switch in the station,
• the maintenance staff needs to know the local IP address of the station,
• after the maintenance staff sets the local IP address and connects to the charging
station's network, the following address: http://ip_address_of the
station:8002/config/login.html must be entered in the browser,
• the configuration interface with the login window should now be displayed. The default
username is: MobilnaElektrika, and the default password is: MobilnaElektrika11
• after logging in, the Status screen is displayed. It enables an overview of the following:
o current software version of the charging station,
o current status of the charging station (status files),
o Webservice logs (web application of the station),
o Operations logs (main software logic of the station),
o Service Starter logs (startup application of the station),