Registering the Software
The first time you start the ILP219 Card Loader application, you will be asked to register the software. We highly recommend
that you register your ILP219 Card Loader software so that you can receive customer support, information on product
updates, and special announcements from DYMO.
If you choose not to register the software at this time, you will be prompted the next three times you start the program. You
can register the software at any time as described below.
To register the software
1 Select Register from the Help menu.
The Welcome dialog box appears.
1 Click Register.
The Registration Wizard appears.
1 Complete all of the required fields on the registration form and click Next. Required fields are labeled in bol type.
2 Answer the questions presented on the next two screens and click Next.
The Registration dialog box appears.
1 Choose to register over the Internet or print the registration form for mail or fax registration.
If you choose to register over the Internet, wait a few seconds while your information is transmitted to DYMO.To
register by mail or fax, click Print to print the completed registration form, and mail or fax the form to the location
printed on the form.
The ILP219 Card Loader User Interface
The ILP219 Card Loader software consists of three views: the Group view, the Label view, and the Graphics view. This section
describes each of these views in detail.
To start ILP219 Card Loader software
R Select Start > Programs > DYMO ILP219 Card Loader > DYMO ILP219 Card Loader.
The ILP219 Card Loader software opens in the Labels view.
Labels View
The Labels view shows the text of each label in the label set. This view allows you to enter and edit the text of your labels.
Label Contents
View Tabs
Status Area
Each row in this view represents one label. You can choose to display the label text as labels or as lines. The As Labels view,
shown in the figure above, displays the lines for each label as they will print. Lines that have barcodes applied are displayed in
underlined, bold type. The barcodes will not display.