Selecting the Altitude Screen Format
You can select either of two screen formats for the Altimeter Mode.
Screen 1
T endency Graph
Current time
Screen 2
Relative altitude
Current time
• Altitude tendency graph contents are updated each time you take an altitude reading.
• Graph units are 10 meters on the vertical axis, and the measurement reading interval (one second, fi ve
seconds, or two minutes) on the horizontal axis (page E-58).
• To take readings of the difference between the altitude at your current location and the altitude at a
reference point, select Screen 2. See “Using an Altitude Differential Value” (page E-62) for more
To select the altitude screen format
1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds.
• SET Hold will fl as h on th e dis play an d the n AL TI will appear in the upper display . K eep
depressed until AL TI appears.
• The c urre nt al tit ude val ue wi ll app ea r at thi s tim e.
2. Press
• DISP will appe ar, and the n th e curre nt sc reen s et tin g wil l appe ar in t he u pper d isp lay.
3. Use
to toggle the setting between the two screens.
Screen 1 Screen 2
4. Press
to exit the setting screen.
Selecting the Altitude Auto Reading Interval
You can select either of the following two altitude auto reading intervals.
: Readings at one-second intervals for the fi rst three minutes, and then every fi ve seconds for
approximately the next hour
: Readings at one-second intervals for the fi rst three minutes, and then every two minutes for
approximately the next 12 hours
• If you d o not p er fo rm any b ut ton o pe ratio n wh ile in t he A lti mete r Mo de, th e watch w ill ret urn to t he
Tim eke epi ng M ode au to mati cal ly af ter 12 ho urs (alt itu de au to readi ng inte r val: 2’00 ) or a fte r on e
hou r (altitu de au to readi ng inte r val: 0’05).
• If tre k log o pe ratio n is in p rog ress w ith 0’0 5 sele cted a s the a lti tude a uto m eas urem ent m et hod,
exiti ng th e Al tim eter M od e to an oth er mo de w ill au tom atic all y cau se th e auto re adin g inte rva l to
change to 2’00.
To select the altitude auto reading interval
1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds.
will fl ash on the display and then
will appear in the upper
display. Keep
depressed until
• The c urre nt al tit ude re ading va lue w ill ap pea r at th is ti me.
2. Press
to display the current altitude auto reading interval setting.
• This will cause INTER V AL to scroll ac ross t he top d ispl ay. The
curre nt al titu de au to readi ng inte r val se tt ing (0’0 5 or 2’00) will be
fl ashi ng in t he ce nter d ispl ay.
3. Press
to toggle the altitude auto measurement interval setting
4. Press
to exit the setting screen.
Taking Altitude Readings
Use the procedure below to take basic altitude readings.
• See “Using Reference Altitude Values” (page E-61) for information about how to make altimeter
readings more accurate.
• See “How does the altimeter work?” (page E-70) for information about how the watch measures altitude.
To take altitude readings
1. Make sure the watch is in the Timekeeping Mode or any one of the
sensor modes.
• The s ens or m ode s are: D igit al Co mp ass M od e, Ba rom eter/
The rm om eter M od e, and A lti mete r Mo de.
2. Press
to start auto altimeter readings.
• The c urre nt al titu de val ue is di spl ayed in un its o f 1 mete r (5 feet).
• For i nfo rma tio n abo ut t he me asu rem ent in ter val, s ee pag e E- 5 8 .
• After you are fi nished, press
to return to the Timekeeping Mode and
stop auto altimeter readings.
• The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do
not perform any operation (page E-26).
• The measurement range for altitude is –700 to 10,000 meters (–2,300
to 32,800 feet).
• The displayed altitude value changes to
- - - -
if an altitude reading
falls outside the measurement range. An altitude value will reappear as
soon as the altitude reading is within the allowable range.
• Normally, displayed altitude values are based on the watch’s preset
conversion values. You also can specify a reference altitude value, if
you want. See “Using Reference Altitude Values” (page E-61).
• You can change the unit for displayed altitude values to either meters
(m) or feet (ft). See “To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and
altitude display units” (page E-44).
Screen 1 Selected
Altitude T endency Graph
Current time
Screen 1 Selected
Altitude T endency Graph
Current time
Screen 2 Selected
Relative altitude
Current time
Screen 2 Selected
Relative altitude
Current time
Using Reference Altitude Values
To minimize the chance of reading error, you should update the reference altitude value before setting off
on a trek or any other activity where you plan to take altitude readings. While mountain climbing, it is
highly recommended that you check a map, local altitude indications, or some other source for your
current correct altitude and regularly update the reference altitude value with the latest information.
• Reading error can be caused by changes in barometric pressure, and by temperature changes due to
change in barometric pressure and/or elevation.
• Though altitude readings can be taken without setting a reference altitude, doing so may produce
readings that are very different from altitudes indicated by other altitude markers and indications.
• Before performing the procedure below, look up the altitude of your current location on a map, the
Internet, etc.
To specify a reference altitude value
1. In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds.
will fl ash on the display and then
will appear in the upper
display. Keep
depressed until
• The c urre nt al tit ude re ading va lue w ill ap pea r at th is ti me.
2. Use
(+) or
(–) to change the current reference altitude value in
1-meter (5-foot) increments.
• Cha nge th e refere nce a lti tude va lue to a n acc urate al tit ude rea ding
that y ou ge t fro m a map o r oth er s ourc e.
• Y ou ca n set t he refe renc e alt itu de valu e wit hin t he ran ge of –10,0 0 0
t o 1 0, 000 m et e r s ( –32 ,800 t o 3 2 ,800 f e e t ) .
• Pressing
at the s am e tim e retu rns to OFF (no refere nce
alti tud e valu e), so the watch p er for ms ai r pres sure to a ltit ude
conver sions ba sed on preset data only .
3. Press
to exit the setting screen.
Advanced Altimeter Mode Operations
Use the information in this section to obtain more accurate altimeter readings, especially while mountain
climbing or trekking.
Using an Altitude Differential Value
The Altimeter Mode screen has an altitude differential value that shows
the change in altitude from a reference point you specify. The altitude
differential value is updated each time the watch takes an altitude reading.
• The range of the altitude differential value is –3,000 meters (–9,995
feet) to 3,000 meters (9,995 feet).
- - - -
is displayed in place of the altitude differential value whenever
the measured value is outside the allowable range.
• See “Using the Altitude Differential Value While Mountain Climbing or
Hiking” (page E-63) for some real-life examples of how to use this
To specify the altitude differential start point
1. In the Altimeter Mode, select Screen 2 as the Altimeter Mode display
(page E-57).
2. Press
• The wa tch wi ll ta ke an al titu de rea ding a nd reg iste r the re sul t as
the altitude differential v alue start point. The altitude differential
value w ill b e reset to ze ro at th is tim e.
Altitude differential Altitude differential
Altitude differential Altitude differential
Using the Altitude Differential Value While Mountain Climbing or Hiking
After you specify the altitude differential start point while mountain climbing or hiking, you can easily
measure the change in the altitude between that point and other points along the way.
To use the altitude differential value
1. In the Altimeter Mode, check to make sure that an altitude reading is
on the display.
• If an al tit ude re ading i s not d ispl ayed, pre ss
to take o ne. S e e “To
take a lti tude re adi ngs” (p age E- 6 0) for d eta ils.
2. Use the contour lines on your map to determine the difference in
altitude between your current location and your destination.
3. In the Altimeter Mode, press
to specify your current location as the
altitude differential start point.
• The wa tch wi ll ta ke an al titu de rea ding a nd reg iste r the re sul t as
the altitude differential v alue start point. The altitude differential
value w ill b e reset to ze ro at th is tim e.
4. While comparing the altitude difference you determined on the map
and the watch’s altitude differential value, advance towards your
• If th e map s how s that t he di f feren ce in a lti tud e bet we en yo ur
loc ati on an d you r des tin atio n is + 80 m ete rs for ex am ple, yo u kn ow
you wi ll be n ear ing yo ur de sti nati on w hen t he di splaye d alt itud e
dif fere ntia l valu e sho ws +8 0 m eter s.
Operation Guide 3444