2. During the 60 seconds that digital compass readings are being taken, press
to store the current
reading in Bearing Memory.
• The B ea rin g Me mo r y direc tio n ang le fl as hes f or ab ou t one s ec ond a s it is s tored i n Be ari ng
Me mo ry. Af ter t hat, t he B ear ing M em or y s cree n (whic h sho ws th e bea rin g mem or y d irect io n angl e
and p ointe r) will a ppe ar, and a new 6 0 -s eco nd di rect ion re adin g ope rati on w ill st ar t.
• You can pres s
at any ti me w hile t he B ear ing M em or y sc ree n is dis played , to sta r t a new
60 - sec on d direc tio n read ing o pera tio n. D oin g so wi ll dis play th e dire cti on an gle fo r th e dire ctio n
that t he 12 o’clock p os itio n of t he watch i s poi nted. T he d irect io n angl e of th e cur rent re ading w ill
disa ppe ar fro m th e dis play af ter t he 6 0 - s eco nd di recti on re adin g ope rati on is c om plete .
• Dur ing t he fi rs t 6 0 sec ond s af ter yo u dis play th e Be ari ng Me mo r y scre en o r dur ing a 6 0 - s eco nd
direc tio n read ing o pera tio n you t rigg ered by p res sing
whil e the B ea rin g Me mo r y scre en is o n
the di splay, the di rect ion s tore d in me mo r y is ind icate d by a Be ari ng M emo r y po inter.
• Pressing
whil e the B ea rin g Me mo ry s cree n is di splaye d will c lea r the re adin g cur rentl y in
Bea rin g Me mo r y and s tar t a n ew 6 0 - se co nd dire cti on rea ding o pe ratio n.
Setting a map and fi nding your current location
Having an idea of your current location is important when mountain climbing or hiking. To do this, you
need to “set the map”, which means to align the map so the directions indicated on it are aligned with the
actual directions of your location. Basically what you are doing is aligning north on the map with north as
indicated by the watch.
• Note that map reading skills and experience are required to determine your current location and
destination on a map.
Example: Advancing to an objective while monitoring the direction to it
Even if you lose sight of your objective, you can use a map to store the required bearing in bearing
memory and refer to the memorized information to advance to your objective.
1. Set the map (page E-40).
2. Without changing the orientation of the map, place the watch on it at your current location, and point 12
o’clock at your desired objective on the map.
3. With the 12 o’clock position of the watch pointed towards your objective on the map, press
• The wa tch st ar ts t aki ng dire cti on re ading s, wi th t he fi rst re sul t app ear ing af te r abo ut o ne se co nd.
4. During the approximately 60 seconds that direction readings are being taken, press
to store the
bearing direction in memory.
• T o reca ll a sto red be ari ng an d disp lay its l itera l direc tio n ind icat io n and be ari ng an gle, pre ss
Now you can advance towards your objective while observing the stored direction on the watch
• As you progress, the direction to your bearing will change, so you need to keep updating the
information in bearing memory.
Digital Compass Precautions
Magnetic North and True North
The northerly direction can be expressed either as magnetic north or true
north, which are different from each other. Also, it is important to keep in mind
that magnetic north moves over time.
• Magnetic north is the north that is indicated by the needle of a compass.
• True north, which is the location of the North Pole of the Earth’s axis, is the
north that is normally indicated on maps.
• The difference between magnetic north and true north is called the
“declination”. The closer you get to the North Pole, the greater the
declination angle.
• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can cause large errors in
readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the vicinity of the
following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal
(metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household appliances (TVs, personal
computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.)
• Accurate readings are impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete structures. This is because
the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.
• Accurate direction readings are also impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.
True north
Magnetic north
True north
Magnetic north
• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes magnetized. Because of
this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong magnetism,
including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.), concentrations of metal (metal doors,
lockers, etc.), and household appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.)
• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure under “To
perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-37).
Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude Display Units
Use the procedure below to specify the temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude display units to be
used in the Barometer/Thermometer Mode and the Altimeter Mode.
• When
(Tokyo) is selected as the Home City, the altitude unit is set
automatically to meters (
), the barometric pressure unit to
hectopascals (
), and the temperature unit to Celsius (
). These
settings cannot be changed.
To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude display
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down
for at least two seconds.
SET Hold
will fl ash on the display, and
will be displayed in
the upper display. After that, the currently selected city code and city
name will scroll across the upper display. Keep
depressed until the
scrolling starts.
2. Press
as many times as necessary until
appears on the
• Se e the s equ enc e in ste p 2 of th e pro ced ure un der “ To chang e
the cu rren t tim e and d ate set t ings m anu all y” (p age E- 3 0) fo r
info rmat io n abo ut ho w to scro ll thro ugh s et tin g scre ens.
3. Perform the operations below to specify the display units you want.
To specify this unit: Press this key: To toggle between these settings:
(meters) and
Barometric Pressure
(hectopascals) and
(inches of mercury)
(Celsius) and
4. After all of the settings are the way you want, press
twice to exit the setting screen.
Taking Barometric Pressure and Temperature Readings
This watch uses a pressure sensor to measure air pressure (barometric pressure) and a temperature
sensor to measure temperature.
To take barometric pressure and temperature readings
While in the Timekeeping Mode or in any of the sensor modes, press
to take barometric pressure and temperature readings.
• BARO wil l appe ar o n the d ispl ay, indicat ing t hat ba rom etri c
pres sure a nd tem per ature re adin g are in p rogre ss. T he re sul ts
will a ppe ar on t he di splay a fte r ab out o ne s eco nd.
• Af ter yo u pres s
, the watc h will t ake re ading s ever y fi ve se co nds
for th e fi rst t hree m inu tes, a nd th en eve ry t wo m inu tes af te r that .
• Press
to retur n to the T im eke epin g Mo de.
• The wa tch wil l retu rn to th e Tim eke epi ng Mo de au tom atic all y if you
do no t per fo rm an y ope rati on fo r abo ut 1 h our a fte r ente rin g the
Barometer / Thermometer Mode.
pressure graph
T emperature
pressure graph
T emperature
Barometric Pressure
• Barometric pressure is displayed in units of 1 hPa (or 0.05 inHg).
The displayed barometric pressure value changes to
- - -
if a measured
barometric pressure falls outside the range of 260 hPa to 1,100 hPa (7.65
inHg to 32.45 inHg). The barometric pressure value will reappear as
soon as the measured barometric pressure is within the allowable range.
• Temperature is displayed in units of 0.1°C (or 0.2°F).
• The displayed temperature value changes to
- - -
°C (or °F) if a
measured temperature falls outside the range of –10.0°C to 60.0°C
(14.0°F to 140.0°F). The temperature value will reappear as soon as
the measured temperature is within the allowable range.
Display Units
You can select either hectopascals (hPa) or inchesHg (inHg) as the display unit for the measured
barometric pressure, and Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) as the display unit for the measured temperature
value. See “To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude display units” (page E-44).
Barometric Pressure Graph
Barometric pressure indicates changes in the atmosphere. By monitoring
these changes you can predict the weather with reasonable accuracy.
This watch takes barometric pressure reading automatically every two
hours. Readings are used to produce barometric pressure graph and
barometric pressure differential pointer readings.
T emperature
Barometric pressur e
change indicator
T emperature
Barometric pressur e
change indicator
Barometric pressure graph Barometric pressure graph
Operation Guide 3444