Types of Altitude Data
Your watch can record three types of altitude data in its memory: manually saved data, auto save values,
and trek log values.
• Use the Data Recall Mode to view data stored in memory. See “Viewing Altitude Records” (page E-72)
for details.
Manually Saved Records
Any time you perform the procedure below in the Altimeter Mode, the watch will create and store a record
with the currently displayed altitude reading, along with the date and time the reading was taken. There is
enough memory to store up to 30 manually saved records, which are numbered from
REC 30
To save a reading manually
1. In the Altimeter Mode, check to make sure that an altitude reading is
on the display.
• If an al tit ude re adin g is not d ispl ayed, pre ss
to ta ke one. S e e “To
take a lti tude re adin gs” (p age E- 6 0) for d etai ls.
2. Hold down
. First,
REC Hold
will fl ash on the display. After that,
and the current time will appear in the lower display. Release
as soon as
and the current time appear.
• Thi s will s ave th e curre ntl y disp layed al tit ude re adin g in a ma nua lly
saved re co rd, alo ng w ith t he ti me an d date of t he re ading .
• The wa tch wil l retur n to the A lt ime ter M ode s cree n auto mat ical ly
after the save operation is complete.
• Ho ldin g dow n
for to o lo ng will a dvan ce to tre k log u pdate
start /stop (page E- 67).
• The re is e nou gh me mo r y to sto re up to 3 0 m anu ally s aved re cord s. If t he re are alre ady 3 0
man uall y saved re co rds in m em or y, the ab ove op erati on w ill c ause t he o lde st rec ord to b e del eted
auto mat ica lly to m ake ro om fo r th e new o ne.
Auto Save Values
Auto save values are one type of data stored in the memory of your watch.
Auto Save Values
High Altitude (
Low Altitude (
Total Ascent (
Total Descent (
• These values are checked and updated automatically by the watch as altitude auto measurements are
• Auto save is performed only while the watch is in the Altimeter Mode.
• Cumulative ascent and cumulative descent values are updated whenever there is a difference of at
least ±15 meters (±49 feet) from one reading to the next.
• Auto save values also include the date and time each value was recorded.
Trek Log Values
While trek log updating is enabled, altitude values (high altitude/low altitude, cumulative ascent/descent)
for a particular trek are automatically checked and updated at regular intervals, even if you exit the
Altimeter Mode. Values include the date and time each is updated. Up to 14 records of trek log values can
be maintained in memory, and each record is assigned a number from Mt.1 through Mt.14 in the sequence
they are stored.
Trek Log Values in Each Record
High Altitude (
Low Altitude (
Total Ascent (
Total Descent (
• For up to 12 hours after trek log value updating is enabled, the values are updated automatically even
if you exit the Altimeter Mode. A segment (
) in the graphic around the periphery of the display fl ashes
to show the time elapsed since trek log value updating was enabled. Each graphic segment represents
12 minutes, and one revolution around the display represents 12 hours.
• You can select the altitude reading interval you want. For more information, see “To select the altitude
auto reading interval” (page E-58).
• Trek log value updating stops automatically whenever the battery charge goes low.
• Even if you exit the Altimeter Mode while trekking, updating of the trek log high altitude, low altitude,
and cumulative ascent and descent values continues.
• Your watch has enough memory for 14 trek log records, which means you can maintain values for up to
14 treks.
To start trek log value updating
In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
for at least fi ve seconds. First,
will fl ash on the display. After that,
will disappear and a pointer
) indicating elapsed reading time will appear at 12 o’clock. Release
• This starts updating of trek log values (high altitude/low altitude,
cumulative ascent/descent).
To stop trek log value updating
In the Altimeter Mode, hold down
for at least fi ve seconds. First,
Hold End
and the elapsed time pointer (
) will fl ash. After that,
disappear. Release
• This stops updating of trek log values (high altitude/low altitude,
cumulative ascent/descent).
• To start a new trek log record while there are already 14 trek log
records in memory, you will need to delete existing records. For more
information, see “To delete data in a specifi c memory area” (page
How High and Low Altitude Values are Updated
With each auto save or trek log reading, the watch compares the current reading against the
altitude) and
(low altitude) values. It will replace the
value if the current reading is at least 15
meters (±49 feet) greater than
, or the
value if the current reading is at least 15 meters (±49 feet)
less than
How Cumulative Ascent and Cumulative Descent Values Are Updated
Session start point
20 m
0 m
120 m
320 m
620 m
Session end point
The total ascent and total descent values produced by an Altimeter Mode reading operation session
during the example climb illustrated above are calculated as follows.
Total Ascent:
(300 m) +
(620 m) = 920 m
Total Descent:
(320 m) +
(500 m) = 820 m
• Entering the Altimeter Mode starts a new altitude auto reading session, but it does not reset the current
values or change them in any way. This means that the starting
for a new Altimeter Mode auto reading session are the values that currently are in memory. Each time
you complete an altitude auto reading session by exiting the Altimeter Mode, the total ascent value of
the current session (920 meters in the above example) is added to the session’s starting
Also, the total descent value of the current auto reading session (–820 meters in the above example) is
added to the session’s starting
• Logging of trek log data continues even if you exit the Altimeter Mode.
• The high altitude, low altitude, total ascent, and total descent values are retained in memory when you
exit the Altimeter Mode. To clear values, perform the procedure under “To delete data in a specifi c
memory area” (page E-76).
How does the altimeter work?
Generally, air pressure decreases as altitude increases. This watch bases its altitude reading on
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) values stipulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO). These values defi ne relationships between altitude and air pressure.
• Note that the following conditions will prevent you from obtaining accurate readings:
When air pressure changes because of changes in the weather
Extreme temperature changes
When the watch itself is subjected to strong impact
There are two standard methods of expressing altitude: absolute altitude, which expresses an absolute
height above sea level, and relative altitude, which expresses the difference between the altitudes of two
different places. This watch expresses altitudes as relative altitude.
Height of building 130 m
(relative altitude)
Rooftop at an altitude of
230 m above sea level
(absolute altitude)
Sea Level
Regular calibration of the watch in accordance with values provided by local altitude (elevation) indications
is recommended before taking readings in order to maximize reading accuracy (page E-61).
Altimeter Precautions
• This watch estimates altitude based on air pressure. This means that altitude readings for the same
location may vary if air pressure changes.
• Do not rely upon this watch for altitude reading or perform button operations while sky diving, hang
gliding, or paragliding, while riding a gyrocopter, glider, or any other aircraft, or while engaging in any
other activity where there is the chance of sudden altitude changes.
• Do not use this watch for measuring altitude in applications that demand professional or industrial level
• Remember that the air inside of a commercial aircraft is pressurized. Because of this, the readings
produced by this watch will not match the altitude readings announced or indicated by the fl ight crew.
The Effect of Temperature on Altitude Readings
For the more accurate altitude readings, leaving the watch on your wrist is recommended in order to
maintain the watch at a constant temperature.
• When taking altitude readings, keep the watch at as stable a temperature as possible. Changes in
temperature can affect altitude readings.
Operation Guide 3444