en Time-setting options
Checking time-setting options
If multiple time-setting options have been set, the
corresponding symbols will be lit on the display panel.
The symbol for which a time is currently being
displayed will be lit.
To check the values for the different time-setting
options, touch the
r button repeatedly until the symbol
you require appears.
Setting the short-term timer
You can use the short-term timer whether the oven is
switched on or off. However, it is not possible to set a
cooking time or end time.
The maximum time that can be set is 23 hours 59
minutes. Up to 10 minutes, the timer duration can be
set in 30-second increments. Above 10 minutes, the
time increments become larger the longer the time you
wish to set.
The timer duration will start at a different default value
depending on which button you touch first:
5 minutes with the ~ button and 10 minutes with the
} button.
1. Touch the r button until the Q symbol lights up.
2. Use the ~ or } button to set the timer duration.
After a few seconds, the duration on the timer will start
to elapse.
Tip: To use the timer for the oven, enter the required
cooking time. The oven will switch off automatically at
the end of this cooking time.
The short-term timer duration has elapsed
An audible signal will sound. ‹‹‹‹ will appear on the
display panel.
Touch any button to switch off the short-term timer.
Changing and cancelling
You can use the ~ or } button to change the timer
duration at any time. After a few seconds, the change
will be applied.
To cancel, use the ~ button to set the short-term timer
to ‹‹:‹‹. The short-term timer will switch off.
Checking time-setting options
If multiple time-setting options have been set, the
corresponding symbols will be lit on the display panel.
The symbol for which a time is currently being
displayed will be lit.
To check the values for the different time-setting
options, touch the r button repeatedly until the symbol
you require appears.
Setting the time on the clock
Once the appliance has been connected to the mains
or following a power failure, the clock will flash on the
display panel. Set the clock.
The function selector must be set to the "Off" position.
1. Use the ~ or } button to set the time on the clock.
2. Touch the r button to confirm.
Note: You can go to the basic settings to specify
whether or not the time should be shown on the display
panel. ~ "Basic settings"
Changing the time on the clock
You can alter the clock if you need to, e.g. from summer
to winter time.
To do this, with the oven switched off, touch the
r button repeatedly until the clock lights up, and then
use the ~ or } button to set the time.