Operation Manual - GB
GB - 17
For the installation of the boiler we recommend you to use an open expansion vessel;
however, it may also be closed if permitted by the legislation of the particular country.
You must install the boiler in such a way to avoid its overheating and consequent dam-
age even in case of a power supply failure.
During the installation support the back part of the boiler to raise it by 10 mm to fa-
cilitate its rinsing and bleeding.
For the control of the heating system we recommend the following controllers:
a) ATMOS ACD 01 - equithermal control set for solid fuel boilers
b) KOMEXTHERM, Prague phone: +420 235 313 284
c) KTR, Uherský Brod phone: +420 572 633 985
d) Landis & Staefa phone: +420 261 342 382
15. Protection of the boiler from corrosion
The prescribed solution consists in the installation of the boiler with Laddomat 21, or a thermo-
-regulation valve, which allows you to create a separated boiler and heating (primary and secondary)
circuit to ensure the minimum temperature of return water to the boiler of 65°C. The higher the
return water temperature is, the lower you will keep condensation of tar and acids that are harmful for
the boiler body. The output water temperature of the boiler must be permanently in the range
of 80 - 90°C. The flue gas temperature must not drop below 110°C during normal operation. A low
flue gas temperature causes condensation of tar and acids even though the output water temperature
(80 - 90°C) and the return water temperature (65°C) is maintained. These situations may occur e.g.
in case of a wrong setting of the pellet burner (low output). For the outputs of 4 - 100 kW you can
also use a three-way mixing valve with a servo drive and electronic control to maintain the minimum
temperature of return water to the boiler (65 - 75°C).
CAUTION - We recommend you to always use the D14P, D21P and D25P boilers in
combination with an equalizing tank with the volume of 500 to 1000 l.
16. Basic connection diagram of the boiler with an equalizing
tank and burner control by the TS and TV sensor