Operation Manual - GB
GB - 25
Leaky doors
- faulty glass cord
- low chimney draught
- replace
- adjust the door hinges
- faulty in the chimney
Defects and shortcomings of
the burner, conveyor and the
deashing system
- no more fuel
- the fuel is cindered and blocks
the chamber on the burner
- the hose between the conveyor
and the burner gets clogged
- the burner does not provide
the required output
- the worm conveyor does not
run (stops)
- other defects of the burner
- the deashing system does not
work after turning the switch
off and on
- replace and before the new
star draw pellets to the con-
- clean the combustion chamber
and hose replace pellets or
clean the combustion chamber
of the burner once a day until
you burn all the poor-quality
- low calorific value of the pel-
lets, change the setting
- replace the gearbox of the
conveyor - defect
- check the quality of pellets,
high resistance (diameter,
- follow the operation instruc-
tions of the burner
- check - replace the module
under the boiler hood or the
defective gearbox
29. Spare parts
Thermometer /15/ (code: S0041) 1
Main switch /16/ (code: S0091) 1
Control thermostat /17/ (code: S0021) 1
Pump thermostat /18/ (code: S0023) 1
Safety thermostat /19/ (code: S0068) 1
Fuse T6,3A/1500-typ H /20/ (code: S0200) 1
Door sealing cord, 18 x 18 /7/ (code: S0240) 1
Ash pan /3/ D14P, D21P (code: P0097), D25P (code: P0080) 1
Sealing cord between the burner and boiler, 18 x 32 mm (code: S0165) 1
Double switch of the automatic deashing system and pellet burner /20/ (code: S0098) 1
Sibral gasket under the smoke channel lid (with an opening) (code: S0120) 1
Klingerite gasket under the smoke channel lid (without openings) (code: S0124) 1
Sibral insulation of the burner opening lid /10/ (code: S0275) 1
Tube plate decelerator /12/ D14P, D21P (code: P0098), D25P (code: P0210) 3
Replacing the door sealing cord
Procedure: Use a screwdriver to remove the old cord and clean the groove where it was seated.
Use a hammer to slightly shape the cord from the square cross-section to the trapezoidal cross-secti-
on. Grip the cord and impress it along the perimeter of the door (with the narrower base to the groove)