11.2 Programming a relay with a second GewaLink channel
Andromeda IR-REC8 BED can be programmed so that a relay can be activated by two
different GewaLink channels. This can be used for example to have a button “down”
which lower the foot and head simultaneously. Then program the two relays with a
second GewaLink channel that controls this function.
Do as follows to program a relay with an second GewaLink channel:
1. Press programming button P.
2. Press programming button 2.
3. Press the programming button for the desired relay. The indicator lamp for the
selected relay is lit.
4. Press the button on the IR transmitter for the channel that is to be programmed
as the second channel until the indicator lamp flashes three times.
5. Repeat step 1-4 to program the other relays in the same way.
6. Check the functions by pressing the selected buttons on the IR transmitter.
11.3 Programming a new Channel Group
The Andromeda IR-REC8 BED default setting of the receiver is channels 64-71, se the
function table above. If another Channel Group is to be used, this can be programmed
by setting the GewaLink channel with which the Channel Group shall begin with. Relay
1 gets the set GewaLink channel and Relay 2-8 gets the following 7 GewaLink
Example: If GewaLink channel 16 has been selected, the receiver will have GewaLink
channels 16-23 on relay 1-8.
Do as follows to program a new Channel Group:
1. Press programming button P.
2. Press programming button 3.
3. Press the button on the IR transmitter for the channel that is to be programmed
as the first channel of the Channel Group until the indicator lamp flashes three
4. Check the functions by pressing the corresponding buttons on the IR