(1) INPUT control
Serves to adjust the volume of the sound source connected
to the input.
(2) LED indicator
When the 1202 is turned on, this indicator lights up in
green. If the level of the input signal is too high, the
indicator turns red to show that the sound will be distorted.
Adjust the INPUT control so that the indicator flashes
briefly red on the highest signal peaks.
(3) MIX control
Serves to adjust the level balance between the original
sound and the effect sound. When the control is turned fully
counterclockwise, only the original sound is heard. When
the control is turned fully clockwise, only the effect sound
is heard.
(4) OUTPUT control
Serves to adjust the output signal level.
(5) EQ LOW control
(6) EQ HIGH control
These controls serve to adjust the low and high frequency
range of the effect signal.
When a compound effect (indicated by a / in the effect
name) is selected for bank B, the EQ LOW and EQ
HIGH controls affect only the reverb or the echo effect
(7) EFFECT selector
Serves to select the effect type to be used. There are 16
different effect types for bank A and bank B.
(8) BANK switch
Serves to select the effect bank A or B.
(9) PATTERN selector
Determines the application pattern of the selected effect.
For each effect, 16 different patterns are available.
(10)EDIT1 control
(11)EDIT2 control
These controls serve to adjust the parameters of the
currently selected effect. Which parameters can be
controlled depends on the selected effect and the selected
pattern. (Refer to the supplied preset program list.)