PSR-SX900/SX700 Gebruikershandleidin g 125
d) If a facilit y in the modi fied Librar y refers t o a functi on or a table of data
to be supplied by an ap plication program that u ses the facility , other
than as an argument passed whe n the facility is invoked, then you
must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an
application does not sup ply such function or table, the facility still
operates, and perform s whatev er pa r t of its pur pos e remains
meaningfu l.
(For ex ample, a fun ction in a li brary to compute square roots has a
purpose that is en tirel y well-def ined indepe ndent of the ap plication.
Therefore , Subse ction 2d requires that any ap plication-su pplied
function or table us ed by this function must be opti onal: if the
application does not sup ply it, the square root function must still
compute square roots.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable
sections of that work a re not derived from the Library , and ca n be
rea sonabl y consider ed independe nt and separat e works in them selv es,
then this Lic ense, and its ter ms, do not ap ply to those section s when you
distribute them as s eparate works. But when you distribute the same
sections as par t of a wh ole which is a work ba sed on the Librar y , the
distrib ution of the w hole must be on th e terms of this Li cense, whose
permi ssions for other licensee s ext end to the entire whole, and thus to
each and every par t regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the i ntent of this secti on to claim right s or contest your
rights to work written entirely b y you; rather , the intent is to exercise the
right to control the distribut ion of deriv ative or collectiv e works based on
the Librar y .
In addition, m ere aggregation of another work not based on the Librar y
with the Library (or with a work ba sed on the Libr ar y) on a v olume of a
storage or distr ibution medium do es not br ing the ot her work u nder the
scope of thi s License.
3. Y ou may opt to apply the ter ms of the ordinar y GNU General Public
License instead of t his Licens e to a given copy of the Librar y . T o d o this,
you must alter all the notice s that refer to this License, so that they refer
to th e ordinary GNU Gener al Pub lic License , ver sion 2, inste ad of to this
License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinar y G NU General
P ublic Lice nse has appear ed, then y ou can specify tha t vers ion instea d if
you wish.) Do not make any other chan ge in these n otices.
Once this chang e is made in a given copy , it is irrever sible for that copy ,
so the ordinar y GNU G eneral Public License applie s to all subsequen t
copies and derivative works made from that copy .
This option is useful when you wish to copy par t of the code of the
Librar y into a program that is n ot a librar y .
4. Y ou may copy and distr ibute the Librar y (or a por tio n or der ivative of it,
under Section 2) in object c ode or executable f or m under the ter ms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accomp any it with the
complete correspon ding mach ine-readable source co de, which must b e
distributed under th e terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medi um
custo marily used f or sof t war e inter change.
If distribution of object co de is made by offering access to copy from a
designat ed place , then of f ering equiv alent access t o copy the source
code from the sam e place sat isfies the requirement to dist ribute the
source code, even though third par ties are not compelled to copy the
source along with t he object co de.
5. A p rogram that contains no d erivative of any por tion of the Librar y , but is
designed to work w ith the Librar y by bein g compiled or linked with it, is
called a “wor k that uses the Librar y”. Such a wor k, in isol ation, is no t a
derivative work of the L ibrar y , and t herefor e falls outside the scope of
this License.
Howe ver , linking a “work th at uses the Library ” wit h the Librar y creates
an ex ecutable that is a deri vative of the Library (because it contains
por tions of the Librar y), rather tha n a “wor k that uses the librar y”. T h e
ex ecutable is therefore cover ed by this Lice nse. Section 6 s tates terms
fo r distributi on of such ex ecuta bles.
When a “work t hat uses th e Librar y” uses material from a header file that
is par t of the L ibrar y , the ob ject code for the wor k may be a der ivative
work of the Librar y even though the source code is not. Whether this is
true is es pecially significant if the wor k can be linked without th e Librar y ,
or if the work i s itself a lib rary . The threshold for this to be true i s not
precisely defined by law .
If such an ob ject file use s only numerica l parameters, data stru cture
layouts and accessors, and smal l macros and s mall inline functions (ten
lines or les s in length) , then the u se of the obje ct file is unrestri cted,
regar dle ss of whet her it is le gally a derivative work. (Executables
contai ning this obje ct code plus portions of the Library will stil l fall un der
Section 6 .)
Otherwise, if the wor k is a der ivative of the Librar y , you may distribute
the object code for the work under the ter ms of Se ction 6. Any
ex ecut ables conta ining that work al so fall un der Section 6, wheth er or
not they are linked directly with the Lib rary its elf.
6. A s an exception to the Sections above, y ou may also c ombine or l ink a
“work that use s the Library” with the Li brary to pr oduce a work
containing p or tions of the Librar y , an d distr ibute that work unde r terms of
your choice, provided that the terms per mit mo dification of the work for
the customer’s own use and reverse engineering for debugging such
modifi cations .
Y ou must give prominent notice with each copy of the wor k that the
Library is used in it and that th e Library and its use a re cov ered b y this
License. Y ou must su pply a copy of this Licen se. If the work during
ex ecution dis play s copyrigh t notices, y ou must incl ude the cop yright
notice f or the Libr ary among them, as w ell as a re fere nce dire cting the
user to the copy of this Lic ense. Also , you must do one of th ese things:
a) Accompany the work wi th the compl ete corresponding machi ne-
readab le sour ce code f or the Library includin g whate ver chan ges
were used in the work (whi ch must be distrib uted und er Sections 1
and 2 above); and, if the wor k is an executab le linked with the Li brary ,
with the comp lete machin e-readab le “work that us es the Library”, as
object cod e and/or sou rce code, so that the us er can mod ify the
Librar y and then relink to produce a modified executable containing
the modified Lib rary . (It is unde rstood that the user who ch anges the
contents of definitio ns files in the Li brary will not nec essarily be able
to r ecompile the applicati on to use the modified definiti ons.)
b)Use a suitabl e shared li brary mechanism f or linking w ith the Libr ar y . A
suitable mechanism is one that (1 ) uses at r un time a c opy of the
librar y already present on th e user’s c omputer system, rather than
copying librar y functions into the executab le, and (2) will operate
properly with a mo dified version of the librar y , if the user in stalls one,
as long as th e modified v ers ion is interf ace- com patible wi th the
version that the work was made with.
c) Accompany the work with a written of fer , valid for at least three years ,
to give the same user the m aterials sp ecified in Subsec tion 6a, ab ove ,
for a charge no more than the cost of p erforming this di stribution.
d)If distribution o f the work i s made by off ering access to copy from a
designated plac e, of fer equivalent access to copy the above specified
materia ls from th e same place.
e) V er ify that the user has al ready received a copy of these materi als or
that you have already sent this use r a copy .
For an ex ecutable, the required form of the “work that uses the Li brary ”
must include any d ata and utilit y programs neede d for reproducing the
ex ecutable from it. Ho wever , as a special ex ception, the materials to be
distrib uted need not include anyt hing that is normall y distribut ed (in
either source or binar y form) with the major compo nents (compiler,
kernel, and so on) of t he operating system on which the executable runs,
unless that co mponent itself accompanies the e xe cutable .
It may happen tha t this requirement co ntradicts t he license restrictio ns of
other propr ietar y librar ies that do not nor mally accomp any the operati ng
sy stem. Such a contradict ion means you ca nnot use both the m and the
Library to gether in an e xecu table that you di stribut e.
7. Y ou ma y place libr ary facilit ies that ar e a wo rk based on th e Library side-
by -side in a s ingle librar y together wit h other librar y facilities not c over ed
by this License, and distribute such a combined l ibrar y , provided that t he
separate distri bution of the wor k based on t he Librar y and of th e other
librar y facilities is ot herwise per mitted, and provided that you do th ese
t wo things:
a) Accompany the combine d librar y with a copy of the same work b ased
on the Libr ary , uncombined with an y other library f acilities . T his must
be distrib uted under the terms of the Sec tions abov e.
b)Gi ve prominent notice w ith the co mbined librar y o f the fact that p ar t of
it is a work based on the Librar y , and explaining where to find the
accompanying uncombin ed form of t he same wor k.
8. Y ou may not c opy , m odify , sublicense, link w ith, or distr ibute the Librar y
ex cept as expr essly provid ed under this Li cense. Any att empt otherwise
to copy , m odify , sublice nse, link with, or di stribute the Librar y is void, and
will automatica lly terminate your right s under this License. Ho wever ,
par ties w ho have received copies, or r ights, from you under this Lice nse
will not have their lic enses term inated so long as such pa r ties remain in
full compl iance.
9. Y ou are not required to accept this Lice nse, since you have not signed it.
Howev er , no thing else grants you per missio n to modify or dist ribute the
Library or it s derivativ e works. T hese actions ar e pro hibited b y law if you
do not acce pt this Licens e. Therefore , by modifying or distr ibuting the
Library (or an y work based on the Library), y ou indicat e your ac ceptance
of this Lic ense to do so, and all its ter ms and con ditions for copying,
distributing or modifyin g the Librar y or wor ks based on it.
10 . Each time you redistr ibute the Librar y (or any wor k based on the
Library), the r ecipient automatic ally r eceives a l icense fr om the original
licensor to copy , dis tribute, link with or modify the Librar y subje ct to these
terms an d conditio ns. Y ou may not im pose any fur ther restriction s on
the recipients’ e xercise of the rights granted herein. Y ou are not
responsible for enfor cing c ompliance by third part ies with this License.