124 PSR-SX900/SX700 Gebruikershandleiding
V ersion 2.1, F ebruar y 1999
Copyright © 1991, 1 999 Free Sof t ware Foundation, Inc., 51 Fr anklin Street, Fif th Floor, Boston, MA 021 1 0-130 1 USA
Everyone is per mitted to copy and distribute verbatim copi es of this l icense doc ument, but changin g it is no t allowed.
[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.
It also coun ts as the su ccessor of t he GNU Librar y Public License, version 2, hence th e version number 2.1 .]
Pre am bl e
The licenses for most software are designed to take awa y your freedom to
share and change it. By cont rast, the GNU G eneral Public Licenses are
intended to guarantee your freedom to share and cha nge free software— to
make sure the software is free for all its users.
This licens e, the Lesser G eneral Public License, applies to some specially
designat ed sof t war e pack ages—typicall y libraries—of the Fr ee Sof tware
Foundation and othe r authors who deci de to use it. Y ou can u se it too, b ut we
suggest you first think ca refully about whether this license or the ordinar y
General Public License is t he better strategy to use in any par ticula r case,
based on the explan ations belo w.
When we speak o f free software, we are ref err ing to freedom of use, not
price. Our General P ublic Licenses are designed to make sure that you hav e
the fr eedom to d istribut e copies of fr ee sof tware (and ch arge f or this service if
you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you
can chang e the software and use pi eces of it in n ew free programs; and that
you ar e inf ormed that yo u can do these t hings.
T o protect your rights, we need to make restricti ons that forbid distr ibutors t o
deny you these r ights or to ask you to surrender these rights. These
restriction s translate to cer tain responsibili ties for you if you distribute copies
of the librar y or if you modify it.
For ex ample, if you distr ibute copies of the librar y , whether gratis or for a fee,
you must give the recipients al l the ri ghts that we gave you. Y ou must make
sure that they , too, receiv e or can ge t the source code. If y ou link other code
with the lib rary , you must provide complete obje ct files to the recipients, so
that they can relink th em with the librar y after making changes to the librar y
and recompiling it. And you must show them these term s so they know their
rig hts .
We pr otect your rights with a two-step me thod: (1) we cop yright the li brary ,
and (2) we of f er you this li cense, which gi ves you legal permission t o copy ,
distribute and/or modify the libra ry .
T o protect each distr ibutor , we want to make it very clear th at there is no
warran ty for the fr ee library . Also, if the library is modif ied by so meone else
and passe d on, the recipients should know that w hat they have is not the
original v ersion, so that the original au thor’s rep utation will not be af fect ed by
problems that might be introduced by others.
Finally , software patents pose a c onstant threat to the existence of any free
prog ram. We w ish to mak e sure that a compan y cannot ef fectiv ely r estrict the
users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive licen se from a patent hold er.
Therefore , we insist t hat any patent license obtain ed for a version of the
librar y must be consi stent with the full freedom of use speci fied in this
Most GNU s oftware, including so me librar ies, is covered by the ordinary GNU
General Public License. This license, the GNU Le sser General Pub lic
License, appl ies to cer tain designa ted libraries, an d is quite diff erent from the
ordinary General Public License. We use this license for cer ta in librar ies in
order to permit linking tho se librari es into non-free programs.
When a program is linked with a l ibrar y , whethe r statically or using a shared
library , the combinat ion of the two is leg ally speaki ng a combined w ork, a
derivative of the or iginal librar y . The ordinary General Public License
therefore permits such linking only if the entire combin ation fits its cr iteria of
free dom. T he Lesser Genera l Pub lic License permits more lax crit eria for
linking o ther code with the librar y .
We call this lice nse the “Les ser” General Pub lic L icense bec ause it does
Less to prot ect the user’s freedom than the or dinary General P ublic Licens e.
It also provides other free software dev elopers Less of an advantage over
competing non-free programs. These disad vantages are the reason we use
the ordinar y General P ublic Licen se for many libraries. How ever , the Lesser
license p rovides advantages in cer tain spec ial circumstances.
For ex ample, on rare occas ions, there may be a special ne ed to encourage
the widest possible use of a certain library , so that it be comes a de-f acto
standar d. T o achie ve this , non-fr ee pro grams mu st be allow ed to use the
librar y . A mo re frequent case is tha t a free librar y does the same job as
widely used no n-free librarie s. In this ca se, there is little to gain by limiting the
free librar y to free software only , so we use th e Lesser Ge neral Public
License .
In other ca ses, per mission to use a pa r ticular librar y in non-free programs
enables a greater number of people to use a la rge body of free software. For
ex ample, permission to u se the GNU C Lib rary in non-fr ee prog rams enab les
many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well a s its
variant, the GN U/Linux operating syst em.
Although t he Lesser Genera l Pub lic License is Less prot ectiv e of the user s’
freedom, it does ensure that the use r of a program that is li nked with the
Library has t he freedom a nd the wher ewithal to run that pr ogra m using a
modifi ed ver sion of the Li brary .
The precise term s and conditi ons for copying, distribution and modi fication
follow . P ay close attention to the diff erence bet ween a “wor k based o n the
library” and a “work that uses the libra r y”. The f ormer co ntains code derived
from t he library , wher eas the lat ter m ust be combin ed with the li brary in orde r
to r u n.
0. This License Agr eement appli es to an y softwar e library or othe r progr am
which contai ns a notice placed by the copyright holder or o ther
authori zed par ty saying it may be distributed under the ter ms of t his
Lesser G eneral Public License (als o called “this Lice nse”). Each
licensee is addressed a s “you”.
A “librar y” means a collection o f software functions an d/or data prepared
so as to be conveniently linked with appli cation programs (which us e
some of thos e functions a nd data) to form executables .
The “Library”, below, r efers to any such software librar y or wor k which
has been di stributed under thes e terms. A “work base d on the Lib rary”
means eith er the Librar y or a ny derivative work under copyright law: that
is to say , a work con taining the L ibrary or a por tion o f it, either verbat im
or with mod ifications and/ or translated straig htforwardl y into ano ther
language. (Hereinaf ter , translation is include d without lim itation in the
term “modif ication”.)
“Source code” for a work means the preferred f or m of the work for
making modi fications t o it. For a libr ary , complet e sour ce code means al l
the source co de for all modules it contains, plu s any associ ated interface
definition files, plus the s cripts u sed to control compilatio n and
installation of the librar y .
Activities other th an copying, distribution a nd modification are not
covered by this License; they ar e out side its sc ope. The act of runnin g a
prog ram using t he Library is not r estricted , and output f rom such a
program is covered only if its contents cons titute a work based on the
Librar y (indep endent of th e use of th e Librar y in a tool for writin g it).
Whethe r that is true depend s on what the Lib rary does and what the
program that uses the L ibrary does.
1. Y ou may copy and distr ibute verbatim copies o f the Librar y’s complete
sourc e code as you receiv e it, in any medium, pr ovided th at you
conspicu ously and appropriately publish on ea ch copy an appropri ate
copyright notic e and disclai mer of warrant y; k eep in tact all the not ices
that refer to this License a nd to the absence of any warranty; and
distribute a copy of this License along with the Librar y .
Y ou may charge a fee for the phy sical act o f transferring a copy , and you
may at your option offer warranty protection in ex change for a fee.
2. Y ou may modi fy your copy or copies of the Librar y or any por tio n of it,
thus formin g a work ba sed on the Librar y , and copy and distr ibute such
modifi cations or wo rk under the terms of Sec tion 1 abov e, pr ovided t hat
you al so meet all of thes e conditions:
a) The modif ied work must itself be a sof tware libr ary .
b)Y ou must ca use the files m odified to carr y prominent n otices stating
that you changed the files and the date of any change.
c) Y ou must cause the wh ole of the wor k to be licensed at no charge to
all thir d parties under the terms of th is License.