The right-most parameter, Attack mode, determines which notes
in a held cluster of notes are given an attack sound. With the
(first) setting, only the first note played will have an attack; all
other notes played while the first note is held will have no attack.
With the [E] (Each) setting, all notes played will have an attack sound.
■ Pitch Bend (PB)/Modulation
Wheel (MW)
This function lets you set the maximum range that the pitch
will bend when you use the [PITCH] wheel, as well as
determine the type of effect assigned to the [MODULATION]
You can set the pitch to bend up or down for each voice within one
octave, where 0 represents no pitch bend, and 12 represents one octave.
(The default for each voice is set to 2.) Each unit is one semitone.
Moving the [PITCH] wheel to its extreme position while playing the lowest
or highest note on the keyboard may exceed the P-150’s legal range (A-1
~ C7). In such a case, the P-150 will play and repeat the one octave
higher or lower range. (This also occurs if the Transpose setting causes
the pitch bend to exceed the legal range.)
Depth, Modulation Speed, Vibrato)
You can assign one of three effects for each voice to the
[MODULATION] wheel, or turn the effect off.
The vibrato effect is internally set and cannot be modified. Note that trying
to apply the vibrato effect to the Piano 1 ~ 4 voices will have no effect.
■ Keyboard Sensitivity
The Keyboard Sensitivity function lets you control how the
volume of the internal voices and connected MIDI
instruments respond to your playing.
The P-150 lets you designate independent Keyboard
Sensitivity settings for the internal tone generator (each
voice) and external MIDI devices, as well as the minimum
and maximum range of the keyboard volume.
Soft-1~3, Hard-1~3, Fixed-1~3)
This setting determines how the P-150’s keyboard affects the
internal voices. There are ten different types of sensitivity
settings. (For details, see Velocity Curves, below.)
Hard-1~3, Fixed-1~3)
This setting determines how the P-150’s keyboard affects
external MIDI devices, such as a tone generator. There are ten
different types of sensitivity settings. (For details, see Velocity
Curves, next page.)
● KEYBOARD RANGE (Minimum, Maximum)
The values set here determine the minimum and maximum
volume range of the keyboard, between 1 and 128. (You cannot
set the minimum number to exceed the maximum number.)
When both minimum and maximum are set to 1, no sound will be