Measuring function Function
Frequency „Hz“ Switching between functions
Each press switches the measuring function. Pressing 1x
duty cycle, another press frequency measuring, etc.
Diode test/continuity check Switching between functions
Each press switches the measuring function. Pressing 1x
“continuity check”, another press diode test, etc.
Currency measuring µA/mA/A Function switching AC/DC
Each press switches the measuring function. Pressing 1x
“AC”, another press “DC” etc.
HOLD function
The HOLD button (9) allows you to hold the measuring value on the display. The symbol “H” appears on
the display. This facilitates reading, e.g. for documentation purposes. Another press will switch back to
measuring operation again. With the VC170, the HOLD function is not available in the frequency mea-
suring range “Hz”.
Optional measuring adapter
An optional measuring adapter is available to ease the
performance of some measurements. This adapter
facilitates the connection of transistors (also SMD
types) and standard K-type thermal sensors with minia-
ture plugs. Attach the adapter to the three measuring
sockets COM (5) + V (8) + mA(7).
A Transistor test header for NPN types
B Plugin header for K-type sensors (observe the
C Transistor test header for PNP types