III Uwatec
Air Z
4 Functions during the Dive
4.1 Dive time
The whole time spent below a depth of 1.2 metres is displayed as dive time in
minutes. While the dive time is running, the colon on the right of the figures is
flashing up at 1 second intervals. Maximum dive time displayed is 199 minutes.
If a dive lasts longer than 199 minutes, dive time
starts again at 0 minutes.
4.2 Current depth
Current depth is given in 10 cm increments. On
switching on and at a diving depth of less than
0.5 m the void display <---> appears.
Depth measurement is based on freshwater.
Therefore, Aladin
Air Z shows a slightly greater
depth than actually true when diving in salt water,
depending on the salinity of the water.
4.3 Maximum depth
The maximum depth is only displayed if it exceeds the current depth by more
than one metre. This is to prevent the display changing very frequently when
diving in the vicinity of the maximum depth.
max. depth deco info
max. depth deco info