2 Attention Messages and Alarms / 3 Preparation for the Dive
III Uwatec
Air Z
2.3 Alarm low battery
Battery of computer low:
In dive-mode, <bAt> is indicated by flashing display
and alternating with the display of maximum depth,
as soon as battery capacity is 0%.
In ready-mode and surface-mode, <bAt> is shown
instead of maximum depth. Have the batteries
changed by your retailer!
Battery of transmitter low:
<bAt> flashing and alternating with the display of
the tank pressure. Have the batteries changed by
your retailer!
3 Preparation for the Dive
The following description of the preparation of a dive is based on the assumption that the transmitter is
fitted correctly to the HP-outlet of the regulator (see pages 29 - 30) and that it is paired with Aladin
Air Z
(see page 31).
1. Mount regulator with transmitter on tank.
2.If you have one, check the reserve valve of your tank. The reserve valve must
be open.
3.Switching on Aladin
Air Z manually: Bridge contacts B and E with moistened
fingers. Check test display: are all displays lit?
4. Open valve (transmitter switches on automatically).