Geng to know your MOVEBAND
MOVEBAND MB12 supports a wide range of useful features. You can track your
acvity, set tness goals, monitor sleep quality, and set smart alarms and event
reminders. You can rotate your wrist to wake up music and camera funcons.
Acvity and sleep data can be uploaded to the MOVEBAND MB12 app in
real me. If this device is paired with your mobile phone, it can remind you of
incoming calls, messages, calendars and events etc.
The charging port is on the back of MOVEBAND MB12.
Charger port
Basic product specicaon
Item Descripon
Dimension 48.5 *18.0 * 7.9 mm
Weight Approx.10g
Baery capacity 50 mAh (around 20 − 30 days)
Bluetooth range 10m (with no obstrucon)
External Port Pogo pin USB port