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pitch when th e button is released. These buttons can be used t o synchronize the beats of 2 tracks. They
are also used to co nfirm (or not) the questions that are sometimes shown on th e d ispla y.
32. KEY LOCK Button: (Master tem po) activates the Pit ch Lock function. This function allows you to m ake
adjustments to a tracks speed using t he SPE ED-fader without altering the tonal pit ch.
33. LOOP IN button: Allows you to set a new cue point witho ut stoppin g pla yback (CUE ON THE FLY). This
button also sets the beginning of a seamless l oop:
Manual l o op m ode: marks the beginning of the loop, you have to press the LOOP OUT button to
mark the end of the loop a nd start pla yback in loop mode.
Auto l oop mode: marks the beginning of the automatic loop, the end p oint of the loop is set
automatically. The le ngth of the loop depends o n the loop p arameter you selected.
Please refer to the ch apter “HOW TO USE” for more information.
34. OUT/EXIT button: Used to set the endpoint when looping m usic manually . The player starts seamless
loop playback until you press this button ag ain to ex it. W hen a loop is progr ammed but not active you
can also restart the loop. The point where you press the button will be memorized as the ne w e nd point
of the loop. I n lo op e dit m ode pressing the OUT /EXI T button stops the loop editing and saves the new
loop endpoint .
35. RELOOP/ STUTTER button: This button has 3 functions:
RE LOOP: W hen a loop was programmed and you have hit the OUT/E XI T button, press th e reloop
button to enter the loop again. To exit the loop pr ess the OUT/EXIT button. ( intr o and end points of
the loop are unchange d)
STUT TE R: W hen a loop is pla ying you can press this button to restart the loop at once. You can also
press this button when a track is not playing in loop. Ev er y tim e the R ELOOP /STUT TER button is
pressed, it will rest art the m usic from the actual cu e point. The stutter effect adds extra creativit y to
your performance.
ENTER E DIT LOOP MODE: W hen a loop is programmed (LOOP IN and OUT/E XI T buttons are on)
you ca n enter l oop edi t m ode b y pressing t he RE LOOP/STUT TER b utton until the displa y shows
“OUT EDIT”. W hile in loop edit m ode you toggle bet ween “OUT EDIT” and “IN E DI T”.
36. AUTO LOOP but ton: with the autoloo p functio n activated you can make automatic loops, based on the
information of the automatic BPM-counter: choose the desired loop le ngth wit h the LOOP S YNC-but tons
(44) and press the LOOP IN button (33) at the right moment. The loop w ill star t playing automatically!
For m ore information on this function, p lease refer to the chapter “HOW TO USE” .
37. HOT CUE buttons: 4 programmable buttons whe re you ca n sto re ordinary cue po ints and/or loops.
W hen a normal cue point is stored, the corresponding button is green, when a loop is stored the
correspond ing button turns red. A ll stored cue points and loops can be backed up to permanent mem ory
for futur e use. T his feature is called “P CMS P er manen t C ue M emo r y S ystem”. Check the chapter “HOW
TO USE” for more information o n ho w to program cue points etc.
38. RECORD CUE : press this button prior to one of the 4 HOT CUE buttons (37) to save a new cue point or
loop. See the chapter “HOW TO USE” to le arn how you save cue points a nd loops.
39. SAV E TR ACK: the h ot cue s yste m uses 2 k inds of memory: temporary “track mem ory ” a nd “permanent”
memor y. New hot cues are only saved to the temporary “track mem ory”. If y ou want to keep the hot cues
for future use you must save the information to permanent memor y, usin g th e SAV E TRACK -button (39).
40. DELETE CU E: this button has several functions:
DELETE 1 HOT CUE: press the DELETE CU E button, followed by the HOT CUE b utton that you
want to delete from track memor y. The deleted button wil l turn b lack.
DELETE 4 HOT CUE S: press the DELET E CUE button for abo ut 2secon ds to erase all 4 hot cues
from track memory.
DELETE TRACK: press the DELETE C UE button and RECORD CUE button (38) together to d elete
the hot cues for the entire track from permanent m emory. B ecause there will be no w a y back , the
display first asks you if you're sure: using the P ITCH B END buttons (31) you can choose YE S or NO.
Please refer to the ch apter “HOW TO USE” for more information.
41. ECHO EFFECT button: p ress t his button to activate the ech o effect. Depending on t he sync-m ode
(manual or be at s ynchronized), d ifferent settings are p ossible:
Manual mode: t he FX-SYNC button (48) i s d ark. You ca n se t all parameter s manua lly, use t he
following controls:
J og-wheel (24): used to set the echo time from 1ms to 200 0ms.
HOLD button (47): W hen the button is lit: the jo g-wheel par ameters are preserved. W hen the
button is dar k: as soon as you don 't touch the jog-wheel an ymore, the p arameters return
automatically to the previous settings.
R ATIO button (46): as long a s the RATIO -button is l it y ou ca n u se the j og-whee l ( 24) to
change the impact (dr y/wet) of the effect.
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Beat s y n chronized mode: the FX -S YNC button (48) is lit. You can use the following co ntro ls :
EFFECT SYNC -buttons (44) : choose one of the be at s ynch ronized echo pr esets.
R ATIO button (46): as long a s the RATIO -button is l it y ou ca n u se the j og-whee l ( 24) to
change the impact (dr y/wet) of the effect si gnal.
42. FLANG ER EFFECT button: press this b utton t o activate the fla nger e ffect. D epending on the sync-
mode (manual or beat s ynchronized), d ifferent settin gs are possible:
Manual mode: t he FX-SYNC button (48) i s d ark. You ca n se t all parameter s manua lly, use t he
following controls:
J og-wheel (2 4): used to manually change the effect.
HOLD button (47): W hen the button is lit: the jo g-wheel par ameters are preserved. W hen the
button is dar k: as soon as you don 't touch the jog-wheel an ymore, the p arameters return
automatically to the prev ious settings. The time to return to the previous settings can be
changed in the setup m enu.
R ATIO button (46): as long a s the RATIO -button is l it y ou ca n u se the j og-whee l ( 24) to
change the impact (dr y/wet) of the effect.
Beat s y n chronized mode: the FX -S YNC button (48) is lit. You can use the following controls:
EFFECT SYNC -buttons (44) : choose one of the beat s ynchronized s weep presets.
R ATIO button (46): as long a s the RATIO -button is l it y ou ca n u se the j og-whee l ( 24) to
change the impact (dr y/wet) of the effect signal.
43. FILTER E FFECT button : press th is button t o a ctiv ate t he filter eff ect. D epending on t he sy nc-mod e
(manual or be at s ynchronized), d ifferent settings are p ossible:
Manual mode: t he FX-SYNC button (48) i s d ark. You can set all parameters m anually, u se t he
following controls:
J og-wheel (24): used to manuall y ch ange the cutoff frequency of the filter.
HOLD button (47): W hen the button is lit: the jo g-wheel par ameters are preserved. W hen the
button is dar k: as soon as you don 't touch the jog-wheel anymore, the p arameters return
automatically to the previous settings. T he time to return to the previous settings can be
changed in the setup m enu.
R ATIO button (46): as long a s the RATIO -button is l it y ou ca n u se the j og-whee l ( 24) to
change the im pact (Q-factor) of the filter.
Beat synchronized mode: the FX-SYNC button (48) is li t. Yo u can use the following controls:
EFFECT SYNC -buttons (44) : choose one of the beat s ynchronized s weep presets.
R ATIO button (46): as long a s the RATIO -button is lit you can use the jog -whee l ( 24) to
change the im pact (Q-factor) of the filter.
44. EFFECT / LOOP SYNC-bar: thi s LE D-bar helps y ou ch oosing t he r ight b eat pr esets f or y our effects
(green lig hts) and loops red lights). W ith the buttons on both sides of the s ync-bar you can
divide/multip ly the presets.
45. EFFECT / L OOP S ELECT b utton : with this button you can select if the sync-bar buttons are used to
change the effect s ync (green light) or loop length (red lig ht)
46. RATIO button: while t his b utton is lit, you can change some parameters of the 3 effects. Please refer to
points (41)+( 42)+(43) for more i nformation.
47. HOLD b utton: in manual mode you can press this button to activate the hold function. W hile the button
is l it, the p arameter ch anges i n manu al mo de are pr eserved, o ther wise t he parameters r et urn to t he
previous values as soon as you take your hand off of the jog wheel. Please refer to points (41)+(42)+(43)
for m ore information.
48. FX SYNC b utton: press this button to toggle bet ween manual and beat synchronized effect mode!
Please refer to points (41)+ (42)+(43) for more information.
49. TAP b utt on: This p layer has a full a utomatic BPM-counter. In some rare ca ses the automatic beat
counter doesn’t count as i t should d o (beats are o ut of the normal r ange or there’s sim ply no beat to
detect). I n these cases you can help the b eat counter by manually tapping this button t o t he rhythm of
the beat. You can switch back to the automatic beat counter by pressing the TAP button until the
“AUTOBPM” in th e rig ht upper corner of the displa y t urns on.
50. SHIFT button: only used w hile the player i s used as a M I DI contr oller. T he shift function doubles the
functions of each control: press the shift button while u sing another control to obtain an extra, secondar y,
function. See the chapter “ MIDI MAP ” for m ore information.
51. MIDI PLAYER A/B button : if 2 decks are connected to your PC, u se th is button to assign the deck as
MI DI con troller A (left player) or B (right player)
52. VFD DI SPLAY: S hows all important information needed during playback .