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13. DISC LO ADING SLOT: to load a CD, s lide it ge ntl y in to the slot wi th the print ed side facing up. H alf way
the CD wi ll automaticall y be pulled inside, don’t pr ess the CD in the slot with force , this will damage
the loading mechanism!
14. SGL/ CTN: You can choose between “single track mode” and “co ntinuous play”.
Continuous pla y: the complete CD will be played with out interruption. (mostly used in pubs)
Sin gle track: playe r st ops at t he e nd of each track and waits at t he beg inning of th e nex t tr ack.
(mostly used b y deejays)
Push the SGL/C NT button for m ore than 1second to sw itch b etween n ormal and “auto cue” mode. In
“auto cu e” m ode the pla yer waits at the first music note of each track. This means that badl y indexed
CDs will not interfere with t he instant start capabilities of this CD pla yer. This is a ver y useful feature for
deeja ys!
15. TIME Button: The TIME button switches bet ween elapsed p laying tim e, remaining tim e in a se lection
and total remaining ti me of the d isc. (standard = rem aining /track ) T he “total remainin g time of the d isc” is
not ava ilable o n MP3-t rack s.
16. DAT AB ASE / NE XT TR ACK butto n: a very important but ton if y ou want to find your next track easily
and fast, eve n while the previ ous track i s still playing! This bu tton works in t wo different ways:
NEX T TRACK function: will be used while searching on CDs and m ass storage devices that d on’t
have the “Q-DBase s ystem” files i nstalled. Yo u can only search o n track and folder numbers.
D ATAB ASE function: will be used while searching mass storage devices that have t he “Q-D Base
system” files installed. You can alphabetically search on art ist, tr ack title, ge nre or album. Very fast
and no need for you to know where your files ar e located!
Once you have found the desired song, just press the ENTER-button (17) to load the track .
For both functions, please r efer to chapter “HOW T O USE” for more information.
17. ENTER button : this button has different functions:
Load a track: that was found using the database/next track f unction.
Open setup menu: press the E NTER button for ab out 3seconds.
Close setup m enu: press the E NTER button shortly to leave setup.
Please refer to chapters “HOW TO USE” & “SETUP M ENU” for m ore information.
18. FOLD ER k nob: th is k nob h as different functi ons:
CDs or no Q -Dbase: turn this knob to browse the folders of a CD or storage device while you don’t
use the Q-Dbase s ystem.
During Q- Dbase sea rch: turn th e k nob to select the first character of the string you’re look ing for,
press the knob to change the contents of the 2
text line of the displa y.
Setup menu: turn the knob to browse the different menu options.
Please refer to chapters “HOW TO USE” & “SETUP M ENU” for m ore information.
19. TRAC K kn ob: thi s k nob has different functions:
CDs or no Q- Dbase: turn this knob to browse the track s inside a folder of a CD or storage device
while you do n’t use the Q-Dbase s ystem.
Q -Dbase search: two options:
Turn the knob to browse all files with the same first characte r that was first selected with the
FOLDER button.
Pre ss the knob while you turn it to change the search key in the database, you can search
the keys:
Art: se arch for “artist names” i n alphabetical order (default search key)
Alb: search for “album names” in alphabetical order
Gen: search for “Genres” in alphabetical order
Std: don’t use the Q-D base system, just folders an d tracks m anually.
During play back: press the knob to see the different ID3-tags on the displa y:
Pr ess 1x: Al bum name of the current track is shown
Pr ess 2x: Genre of the current track is shown
Pr ess 3x: Bi trate information of the current track is shown
Setup menu: turn the butto n to change the setti ngs of the selected m enu option.
Please refer to ch apter “HO W TO USE” for more information.
20. SE ARCH bu ttons: used t o search quickly inside a track.
21. PL AY/PAUS E button: ever y time you press the P LAY /PAU SE button the CD pla yer changes from play
to pause or from pause to pla y. T he button blink s as long as the pla yer is set to pa use.
22. CUE b utton: Pressing the CUE button dur ing playback provides an imm ediate retu rn to the p osition at
which play was started. Playback starts im mediately from the programmed cue point for as long as the
CUE button is p ressed. T he CD player jumps ba ck to the cu e point a s soon as t he CUE button is
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released. A lso w ith the u nit i n pause m ode (Pla y/Pause b utton blinks) t he jog wheel i s used t o se t a
different start p oint. By pressing "P LA Y/PAUS E " or “LOOP IN” b utton followed by "CUE ", you can
confirm this ne w cue point.
23. CUE P LAY b utton : playback starts i mmediately from t he current cue point (same as pressing the
RELOOP button (35)
24. TACTILE JOG-WHE EL: The jog-wheel on this player has 3 p arts:
Tactile c enter part: to m atch the vinyl feel a s close as possible and largely i mprove scr atch
performance, the central p art of the jog-whe el uses a patented touch-sensitive technology. W ith the
W HEEL MODE button (25) you can ch ange the behavior of this centr al part. Check the description of
the W HEEL MODE button (25) for more information.
Outer ring: silver co lored part of the j og wheel which is not touch sensitive. Regardless of the
selected wheel mode the outer ring can be alwa ys be used for pitch b ending, except while using o ne
of the digital effects.
Jo g-indi cator: this b lue light runs at playback speed to in dicate the exa ct pla yer position, ver y
helpful while scratching or settin g a new cue point. Please refer to chapter “ SETUP M ENU” if you
want t o change the look of the jog-in dicat or.
25. WHEEL MODE button: toggles between 3 different modes for the t actile jog - wheel. The tactile center
part an d outer ring behave differently :
V INYL-m ode: used for extremely realistic scratching of any CD or MP3 file.
Tactile center part: Durin g playback, the music stops imm ediately when you touch the jog-
wheel: pla yback speed and direction are n ow fully controlled b y th e movements of your hand .
In pause mode you can easily set a new cue poin t.
Outer r ing: During playback you can use the outer ring for pitch bending to s ynchronize th e
beats of 2 track s. I n pau se m ode y ou will hear the typical very small loops that give you the
possibility to set a cue point with 1frame (1/75seconds) accuracy.
CD J-mode: this is the stan dard mode, used by most DJ CD-players. Bot h t he ta ctile ce nter part and
the outer ring beh ave ident ically. W hile the track is playing, the jog wheel t emporarily bends the pitch
of the music up to +/-100 % b y rotating the w heel cl ockwise to sp eed it up o r counterclockwise to
slow it do wn. T he amount of pitch change is determ ined by the speed of rotation. In pause mode you
will h ear t he typical ve ry s mall loops t hat g ive you the possibilit y to set a cu e point with 1 frame
(1/75seconds) accuracy.
A.CU E SCR ATCH-mod e: ver y similar to VI NYL mode but scratching always st arts from the actual
cue point, the behavior of the outer ring is identi cal to that of vin yl mode:
Tactile center p art: During pla yback, the music stops imm ediately and returns t o the actual
cue point each time you touch the jog-wheel: pla yback speed and direction are now fully
controlled b y the movements of your hand. In pause mode y ou can e asily set a new cue point
but t he pl ayer first returns to the actual cue po int.
Outer r ing: During playback you can use the outer ring for pitch bending to s ynchronize th e
beats of 2 track s. I n pau se m ode you will hear the typical ver y small loops that give you the
possibility to set a cue point with 1frame (1/75seconds) accuracy.
26. REV ERSE PLAY button: press this button to switch reverse playback on and off. Even loo ps can be
played in reverse order.
27. ST ART knob: determines acceleration speed u ntil full pla yback sp eed. Acc eler ation speed can be set
gradually between 0,0s ( instantly) and 10,0s. Be havior changes with different wheel modes:
CD J-mode: set t he acceleration sp eed after p ressing t he PLA Y/PA USE button (21): si mulates a
turntable platter starting with the needle on the record.
VINYL & A.CUE SC R ATCH mode: set the acceleration speed after a backspin of the JOG-W HEEL
28. BR AKE knob: determines deceleration sp eed from full pla yback speed to stop. Speed deceleration ca n
be set gradually betwee n 0,0s (instantly) and 10 ,0s. Behav ior ch anges with different wheel modes:
CD J-mode: set t he decelerat ion speed a fter pr essing the PLAY/PAU SE button (21): si mulates a
turntable platter slo wing down with t he n eedle on the r ecord.
29. TEMPO R ANGE button: press this button to select the different available speed ranges: +/ -6%, +/- 10% ,
+/-16%, + /-100%. The l ower ranges mak e the SPE ED- fader (30) more p recise, t he higher r anges are
suitable for special effects. To turn the speed function off simply press the button for 1second, until th e
speed ind icators turn off. Press the button again to re-a ctivate spe ed control.
30. SP EED-fader : used to adjust the pla yback speed of the pla ying track. You can t urn the s peed function
on/off or change the rang e with the TEM PO R ANGE-b utton (29)
31. PITCH BEND buttons: The speed rises while the “+ button” is pressed and returns to the original pitch
when th e button is release d. The speed drops when the “– button” is pressed an d returns to the original