Large Sago 10 oz (1 1/3 cup)
Water 10 cups
Boiled Water 2 cups
Sugar 1 cup
Butter 3 tablespoons
Milk 1 cup
Corn Starch 5 tablespoons
Water 6 tablespoons
Egg yolk
Vanilla Slice (Crushed) 3
Bean-Sand (Dou-Sha) 3
1. Boil 10 cups of water and pour in sago. Cook at low heat
for 5 minutes, till sago appears transparent.
2. Boil 2 cups of water and add in sugar, butter and milk.
Immediately add in corn starch. Turn off the heat and add
vanilla. Add in egg yolk and mix well. Add in sago.
3. Add half of the mixture into baking pan, add bean-sand
(dou-sha), and add the other half. Pour over 2 tablespoon
of oil and bake at 480°F for 20 minutes till the top appear